The first half is free, while the full interview can be had by subscribing at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month at the PayPal link. A Non-GMO Hybridization of Esoteric Hollywood...
Read MorePatrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire Human rights in the West: does the reality live up to the rhetoric? On the surface, the cultural narrative seems innocent enough: billionaire philanthropists, political...
Read MoreJames Evan Pilato of Media Monarchy invited me on “Navigating Netflix” to discuss the X-Files reboot and its meaning in the pop milieu that is Hollywood’s obsession with rehashing the 80s and...
Read MoreJoin ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Jay Dyer and Jamie Hanshaw joining from the studio of Jays Analysis, Daniel Spaulding from Soul of the East, 21Wire contributor Randy J and Boiler Room Presidential Candidate select: Stewart...
Read MoreEd Opperman of the Opperman Report invited me on to discuss Hollywood magic and the art of deciphering film. In this conversation we cover new ground with Baron Samedhi and Live...
Read MoreIn this free first hour interview of Esoteric Hollywood, Isaac Weishaupt of joins myself and Jamie Hanshaw to discuss the recent mega-ritual social engineering events known as the Superbowl...
Read MoreIt is telling that back in the 50s and 60s Fleming was already predicting the transition from the communist threat to the international terrorist threat – something that gave me...
Read MoreShawn Helton 21st Century Wire The recent ‘Ramadan Attacks’ supposedly carried out by members of ISIS – reek of Western propaganda dispensed from shadowy think-tanks. Over the past month, we’ve...
Read MoreBuzzsaw uploaded a highlight from Sean Stone and I discussing the metaphysical keys to Twin Peaks. Here is the video, as well as a link to my full-length analysis of...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer and Jennifer Sodini Ridley Scott is reportedly not happy about Legend, nor is Tom Cruise. However, when we think “80s Tom Cruise,” we think Top Gun, Risky...
Read MoreJames Corbett joined me to discuss 9/11 and its lesser-known connections to tech and economic scams and scandals, as well as the suspicious aspects of big insurance companies, global banking,...
Read MoreGuest post by: Andrew Rurikson November 2013 was a month of key political anniversaries in America, with 150 years having passed since Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and 50 since the...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Men have been manipulated for millennia by the governing class through the technique of fear through internal and external threats. While it is true that in tribal societies...
Read MoreMark Hackard touches up a Jay’s Analysis classic for SOTE....
Read MoreBy: JayCan the transcendental argument prove God?In response to several requests, I have provided the first of some coming discussions on transcendental arguments. In this talk, I respond to the...
Read MoreIn this latest installment of JaysAnalysis interviews, Russia Specialist Mark Hackard returns for part deux where we discuss Ukraine, the downed Malaysian Plane fiasco, false flags, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Eurasia,...
Read MoreHipster extraordinaire F.N. r0b gives us his effin weekly review, bra!...
Read More(Back by popular demand. -Jay 😉 By M. B. One thing that amazes me when I read Reformed people’s arguments against Rome is not so much what they say...
Read MoreBy: Jay As with my article on the prevalence of the masonic-Illuminati in top, mainstream historians’ works, the truth is often uncovered even in scholarship opposed to the principle of “secret cabals” influencing history. ...
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