By: Jay Dyer Before Ghost Hunters and that 80s cartoon that was sued for being the same thing, there was Ghostbusters – the Original Ghostbusters (as the first cartoon had to name...
Read MoreDr. Gregory Smith hosts the 9 pm Saturday evening KABC 790 Los Angeles show, Truth in Medicine, and asked me to come in studio for an interview concerning my forthcoming...
Read MoreThis is the first free half of a 2 hour interview which can be obtained by subscribing to for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal...
Read MoreChris and co. at the Cryptoshow on Austin FM invited me into their fancy cakes studio to do a highly informative and slaptastic discussion concerning impersonations, Hitler and WW2, Tragedy...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer One of the classic 80s cult films I’ve overlooked and delayed doing an analysis of has been Joel Schumacher’s 1987 Lost Boys. While somewhat of a box...
Read MoreThe first half of the interview is free, while the full 2 hours can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 a year. Dr. Richard...
Read MoreI called in to the Hoax Busters Call for a great conversation that includes: “The Intelligence Revolution and the Future,” by Wesley K. Wark, Scientism, Social Darwinism, Stephen J Gould, ‘Many...
Read MoreWeird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format. Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna’s use...
Read MoreChris Geo invited me on Truth Frequency Radio to discuss esoteric symbolism in film. We cover numerous films, including The Truman Show, Dark City, The Matrix, Alias, Toy Soldiers, Minority...
Read MoreJamie Hanshaw (author of Operation Culture Creation 1 and 2 and Hollywood Mind Control) joins me to break down the esoteric symbols and occult aspects of 5 films: The recent...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Spies Lie and Nazis Fly There seems to be no shortage of connections between British Intelligence writers and the occult, and while I’ve examined a good deal...
Read MoreJoin ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Jay Dyer and Jamie Hanshaw joining from the studio of Jays Analysis, Daniel Spaulding from Soul of the East, 21Wire contributor Randy J and Boiler Room Presidential Candidate select: Stewart...
Read MoreEd Opperman of the Opperman Report invited me on to discuss Hollywood magic and the art of deciphering film. In this conversation we cover new ground with Baron Samedhi and Live...
Read MoreIn this free first hour interview of Esoteric Hollywood, Isaac Weishaupt of joins myself and Jamie Hanshaw to discuss the recent mega-ritual social engineering events known as the Superbowl...
Read MoreClyde Lewis invited me on Ground Zero to comment on his thoughts in his piece on government tyranny and ISIS. We discuss mind control, social engineering, psy ops and the...
Read More This is the first hour of a two hour talk that can be obtained from subscribing to John B. Wells’ Caravan to Midnight. In this talk we cover the...
Read MorePatrick Henningsen invited me on the Sunday Wire to recap the year and note the most astounding oddities, insanity, conspiracies, Psy Ops and high strangeness we witnessed in 2015. Having...
Read MoreIt is telling that back in the 50s and 60s Fleming was already predicting the transition from the communist threat to the international terrorist threat – something that gave me...
Read More “Jay Dyer is on KBS and we get into the esoteric and dark side of Hollywood. We get into the intelligence connections to the film industry, and how the...
Read MoreIn this half talk for free, I detail the 8th book of Plato’s Republic where Socrates describes the degeneration of the ideal city into oligarchy, democracy and chaos. Included in book...
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