By: Jay Dyer Continuing our analysis of advanced Psy Ops and information war, it is incumbent upon researchers to understand the Net itself as a product of the world of...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer For most consumers of alternative news and media, the lineup of the players constitutes the tyrants and their systemic control, and the enlightened underground, with both sides...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Cognitive dissonance is the firewall that exists in most minds when confronted with a challenge to their basic beliefs about the world. As it is human nature...
Read MoreThis is the half audio interview with Mark Hackard & Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East. Mark and Daniel joined me for a 2 hour discussion of their recent...
Read MoreTim Kelly invited me back to discuss the Cold War more indepth. We delve into bankster funding of both sides of the conflict, industrialists like Henry Ford, strategies of tension...
Read MoreBy: Mark Hackard When Moscow launched the ambitious Operation Anadyr, the deployment of missiles and an army division to Fidel Castro’s revolutionary Cuba in the spring of 1962, the KGB played no...
Read MoreTim Kelly is a former policy advisor, freelance writer and political cartoonist, is married and has been blessed with six children. Tim asked me on his podcast to discuss two...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Men have been manipulated for millennia by the governing class through the technique of fear through internal and external threats. While it is true that in tribal societies...
Read MoreIn this stellar interview, geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen gives a detailed analysis of the entire spectrum of moves we’re seeing in the global theater, from the ISIS threat to the...
Read MoreBy: Jay As our friend, the talented writer Peter Parker pointed out back in May of 2013, the intelligence scripting for the news events surrounding radical Islamic terrorists seem to...
Read MoreIn this latest installment of JaysAnalysis interviews, Russia Specialist Mark Hackard returns for part deux where we discuss Ukraine, the downed Malaysian Plane fiasco, false flags, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Eurasia,...
Read MoreLike Many 9/11 Examples, the Scripting of the Malaysian Plane Fiasco Matches the Plot of BBC’s Sherlock By: Jay Our latest media theatrical blitz is the Hollywood-esque sequel to last...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer One of the evident patterns that emerges concerning the theater of operations known as “media” is the never-ending rabbit hole of trails and endless, conflicting details that...
Read MoreBy: Jay Edward Snowden is back in the news giving an exclusive interview to NBC’s Brian Williams Tuesday. In the interview, Snowden has revealed more of his questionable past. As...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Bilderberg 2014 is coming up – are you excited? I know I am. One reason I’m excited is those of us who have written and exposed these...
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