By: Jay Dyer Spoilers Ahead Ex Machina is the latest incarnation of the familiar Short Circuit theme we’ve seen lately – but this film does not feature the madcap antics...
Read MoreBy: Jennifer and Jay Dyer Collective Evolution Nostalgia is defined as the “sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.” The feeling...
Read MoreCompletely rewritten. By: Jay Dyer It’s always fun to go back and watch the movies you grew up with. However, it can also be a laughingly disturbing experience, akin to...
Read MoreIn this partial talk, I pick back up with the Platonic corpus to delve into the next 3 dialogues dealing with the virtues. Expanding on the method of the Apology, Socrates...
Read MoreShawn Helton hosts a fascinating 21 Wire radio show interviewing Cobain investigator, Tom Grant. In the second half, I come on to discuss occult Hollywood and the dark side of...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer “The grid. A digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships? Motorcycles? Were the...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Dune is an amazing novel: There is a reason it’s the best-selling science fiction series of all time. Prescient for his time (1965), author Frank Herbert was able...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer The study of conspiracy leads directly to the study of covert operations and intelligence agencies. As one reads about the plots and intrigues of secret societies, one...
Read MoreSymbolical and Numerological Elements in the Shield of Achilles Compared with Plato’s Cosmology -It’s not carrying over from word the references. Apologies, will add later. By: Jay (c) Copyright, all...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer These 80s cult classics do well for analyses. Vitrually all the classics children of the 80s like myself grew up with were loaded with deeper, esoteric symbolism,...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer (c) Copyright, All Rights Reserved. The Visions of Petrarch, published in 1569 by J. Van der Noordt with woodcuts and titled The Theatre of the Worldlings, is...
Read MoreThe Apollonian/Dionysian Dialectical Dichotomy Contributing writer David Shankle gives yet another angle on Batman: Dark Knight INDEPTH ESOTERIC ANALYSIS OF “BATMAN BEGINS” HERE After revisiting Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight, viewing the...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Inception is one of the best films Hollywood has put out in years, and stands out as a diamond in a large stack of garbage. If the liberals in...
Read MoreBy: Jay Ariadne constructs the labyrinth in the Greek myths. In Inception, she is the projection of Cobb’s pysche that grounds him – the anima of Jung. Some goofballs in a forum...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I loved the 90s. It was a fun time in my life and one film that sticks out as a kind of goofy, tongue-in-cheek indulgence is The...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Yes, I admit it, I went to see Transformers 2. It was so bad I was hoping it would transform into a different movie. But what can...
Read MoreBy: Peter Parker Poised on the cusp of the summer season, as Hollywood begins to release it’s usual torrent of mind numbing crud, the “paranoid” observer would do well...
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