Search results for "CIA"

Mark Hackard is an independent foreign policy analyst. He earned a BA in Russian Language from Georgetown University and an MA in Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies from Stanford University. He studies the intersection...

June 11, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer The plan to integrate nations into continental trading blocs is not a new idea.  In Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, reference is made to the plan of the Third Reich to...

June 8, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

This week’s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is broadcasting LIVE from the banks of Londinium in Albion, as host Patrick Henningsen coverings the world’s top stories this week. In this first hour Patrick ‘combats’, ‘tackles’ and ‘fights’...

June 8, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Continuing our analysis of advanced Psy Ops and information war, it is incumbent upon researchers to understand the Net itself as a product of the world of espionage and cryptology.  In a...

June 5, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

“We are, and I don’t want to sound alarmist but I am alarmed, closer to the actual possibility of war with Russia than we have ever been since the Cuban missile crisis. That’s how bad...

June 4, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore, along with special guests Daniel Spaulding, Ryan G, and Jay Dyer from Jay’s Analysis – all listeners who want to participate on the lines or in the ACR chat...

June 4, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

Guest post by: Andrew Rurikson November 2013 was a month of key political anniversaries in America, with 150 years having passed since Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and 50 since the assassination of John F. Kennedy....

June 2, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Amongst the British elite, the notion of creating a sluggish, cave-dwelling troll class of Morlocks that parasitically feed on the beautiful, surface-dwelling Eloi that appeared in Wells’ fiction classic, Time Machine, is now becoming...

June 2, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

Koestler’s Darwinian “hierarchy” work. Lately we’ve been looking at various techniques and approaches to Psy Ops and how they are not merely for military warfare, but an entire approach to human behavior modification and mass population management....

May 30, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer For most consumers of alternative news and media, the lineup of the players constitutes the tyrants and their systemic control, and the enlightened underground, with both sides fighting the great battle of...

May 28, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Cognitive dissonance is the firewall that exists in most minds when confronted with a challenge to their basic beliefs about the world.  As it is human nature to avoid admitting being in...

May 26, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Much furor has been raised over Imperator Furiosa, Charlize Theron’s “strong woman” figure in the latest Mad Max reboot: I expected some to retitle it Mad MaxiPad.  Mad Max: Fury Road opened to a...

May 19, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

Tim Kelly invited me back to discuss the Cold War more indepth. We delve into bankster funding of both sides of the conflict, industrialists like Henry Ford, strategies of tension and think tank social engineering...

May 14, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Cheesy 80s dystopian films constitute some of the best cinematic predictive programming, and 1987’s The Running Man is a fine specimen.  Full of Schawrzenegger’s grunts and “aagghhhs” (as opposed to a script), even Bloodsport...

May 10, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Mark Hackard When Moscow launched the ambitious Operation Anadyr, the deployment of missiles and an army division to Fidel Castro’s revolutionary Cuba in the spring of 1962, the KGB played no minor role in its execution....

May 9, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Men have been manipulated for millennia by the governing class through the technique of fear through internal and external threats.  While it is true that in tribal societies the external (and sometimes internal)...

May 4, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Joss Whedon’s follow-up to The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, is setting new box office records for Marvel, and has roughly the same degree of critical response as the first.  A few...

May 2, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Based on Mario Puzzo’s novel of the same name, Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather is known as one of the greatest films in cinematic history. Though the third installment has noticeably lower critical ratings,...

April 29, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Spoilers Ahead Ex Machina is the latest incarnation of the familiar Short Circuit theme we’ve seen lately – but this film does not feature the madcap antics of Johnny 5 seducing Ally Sheedy....

April 26, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jennifer and Jay Dyer Collective Evolution Nostalgia is defined as the “sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.” The feeling can sometimes be evoked from...

April 26, 2015 - 0 Comments Read More