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Or, Gödel Versus the New World Order
By: Jay Dyer
In the land of the blind, the 80s black science guy with 80s black guy mustache is king. In a recent interview, high priest of neo-Darwinian scientism, Neil de Grasse Tyson expounded the true profundity of his worldview. Tyson stated on a recent podcast:
“interviewer: At a certain point it’s just futile.
dGT: Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. My concern here is that the philosophers believe they are actually asking deep questions about nature. And to the scientist it’s, what are you doing? Why are you concerning yourself with the meaning of meaning?
(another) interviewer: I think a healthy balance of both is good.
dGT: Well, I’m still worried even about a healthy balance. Yeah, if you are distracted by your questions so that you can’t move forward, you are not being a productive contributor to our understanding of the natural world. And so the scientist knows when the question “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” is a pointless delay in our progress.
[insert predictable joke by one interviewer, imitating the clapping of one hand]
dGT: How do you define clapping? All of a sudden it devolves into a discussion of the definition of words. And I’d rather keep the conversation about ideas. And when you do that don’t derail yourself on questions that you think are important because philosophy class tells you this. The scientist says look, I got all this world of unknown out there, I’m moving on, I’m leaving you behind. You can’t even cross the street because you are distracted by what you are sure are deep questions you’ve asked yourself. I don’t have the time for that. [Note to the reader: I, like Neil, live and work in Manhattan, and I can assure you that I am quite adept at crossing the perilous streets of the metropolis.]
interviewer [not one to put too fine a point on things, apparently]: I also felt that it was a fat load of crap, as one could define what crap is and the essential qualities that make up crap: how you grade a philosophy paper? [5]
dGT [laughing]: Of course I think we all agree you turned out okay.
interviewer: Philosophy was a good Major for comedy, I think, because it does get you to ask a lot of ridiculous questions about things.
dGT: No, you need people to laugh at your ridiculous questions.
interviewers: It’s a bottomless pit. It just becomes nihilism.
dGT: nihilism is a kind of philosophy”
This is so ridiculous, I am at a loss as to where to begin. Tyson represents the latest, popular PR front man for the New Atheist club that have taken the Internet, bookstores, sub reddits and mama’s basement-bound neckbeards by storm. Before launching into this, I would like to remind readers that just as the media’s fixation and focus on planned events is engineered, so is the obsession and worship of these faces of so-called science. These “scientists” are given to you as men to follow and look up to, when they are utter and complete fools. Let’s unpack this.
Tyson’s statements are ahistorical beyond belief. Like any discipline, philosophy is a broad subject that encompasses all kinds of associations and related fields. Philosophy relates to mathematics, in number theory. Philosophy relates to technology, insofar as computer technology emerges from the philosophical presuppositions of Leibniz. Philosophy relates to modern scientific methodology, as modern science originated from philosophers. Aristotle, the father of science, was a philosopher. Logic, which is the science of argumentation is philosophy. Logic directly relates to mathematics and math theory. Tyson uses words, and words are part of a linguistic web, which is philosophy. Philosophy of science is an entire sub discipline, but the New Atheists have spoken from Olympus on that, too, as Feynman famously said: “Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds.”
Have these men ever taken a philosophy class? Surely they were required to study basic logic in their undergraduate program, do they not recall the connection and association of logic with the mathematics they use in their physics? That these so-called academics can make such ignorant, untrue statements suggests they are not all they appear to be – they are actually con men for a longtime British Royal Society and Oxford Inner Party plan to implement mass atheistic socialism and idiocy. Lest you doubt me on that claim, you will find it openly in the writings of Bertrand Russell in works like The Impact of Science on Society, C.G. Darwin’s The Next Million Years, Koestler’s Ghost in the Machine, the works of H.G. Wells, and a thousand other technocrats openly proclaim their “final revolution” to establish a world government. And it’s not accidental these devils rise from the Satanic smoke of England.
It is these frauds and liars that Kurt Gödel had interacted with and read that resulted in Gödel’s famous paranoia and “freak out” stage in his latter days. Gödel claimed to have discovered a great cover up – these circles and networks in Illuminist-connected institutions in Austria had been suppressing discoveries. Philosophy blogger Aldus writes of Gödel:
“Perhaps the greatest logician of all time, Kurt Gödel uncovered the existence of a world-wide conspiracy to make men less intelligent. For years Gödel had been very interested in the work of Gottfried Leibniz, whose characteristica universalis influenced Gödel’s use of symbolism in his famous incompleteness proofs, and went so far as to request copies of the voluminous Leibniz manuscripts to be brought to the United States during the second World War. Gödel initially claimed to have discovered evidence of a conspiracy suppressing Leibniz’s work—that Leibniz had in fact completed the famously unfinished (and unfinishable) universal language of thought, but had been prevented from publishing it. In conversation, Gödel suggested that the Viennese Academy of Science, officially inaugurated in the mid-19th century, had in fact been founded by Leibniz in secret some centuries before; its record books, which contained references to the complete characteristica universalis, had been systematically destroyed.”
This is no speculation. Readers and friends question me regularly as to why I keep reiterating the importance of this issue, as it was the center of my debate with Jan Irvin. Gödel interacted with Russell, and was aware of the open conspiracy Russell and his British Illuminist Fabian socialist comrades had proclaimed. Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorums were a result of mathematical debates with Russell, demonstrating ultimately the inability of pure math to justify math itself. In philosophical language, this means classical foundationalist epistemology, upon which the naïve empiricist worldview is erected, is incoherent nonsense. Gödel was not insane: he had stumbled upon the new world order:
“Gödel came to believe not only that this conspiracy against Leibniz still existed, but that it was currently preventing the public from understanding the significance of his own (Gödel’s) work (which, for the curious, proved that any complex formal system cannot be both consistent and complete: that there will always exists truths that are true, but unprovable in the system, and that one of these truths is the very consistency of that system. Gödel evidently understood this result as proving man’s ability to intuit mathematics in a Platonic sense, since no formal procedure can produce all truths).
Gödel, in terror of the conspiracy, rarely published, and eventually wasted away after the death of his wife. Without her care, he starved himself to death in the late 70’s. The accepted explanation is that his death was a result of the over-zealous application of the principle of sufficient reason: that everything happens for a reason–the guiding principle of both philosophers and paranoiacs.”
Or, the new world order, which we now know is more real than real was involved in suppressing and destroying the truth that Gödel and others like him had come to. John Nash, the famous game theorist and mathematician had a similar situation – claims of grand conspiracy, and recall that Nash was involved the NSA, all of which was chalked up to paranoid schizophrenia, as in the film A Beautiful Mind, with Russell Crowe. Nash wondered if there were conspiracies at work, connected to mass media and publications, and that red communists were seeking to take over the United States. While Nash may have been driven insane by harassment and who knows what, it is possible that he was targeted, fearing indirectly the same entity Gödel feared: the British-run socialists. Wikipedia states:
“Nash began to show signs of extreme paranoia and his wife later described his behavior as erratic, as he began speaking of characters like Charles Herman and William Parcher who were putting him in danger. Nash seemed to believe that all men who wore red ties were part of a communist conspiracy against him. Nash mailed letters to embassies in Washington, D.C., declaring that they were establishing a government.”
So how does this relate to Neil de Grasse Tyson? Well, the New Atheists a la Dawkins and company appear to be run out of Oxford, still. Oxford is the pinnacle of the Illuminist pyramid, where the Inner Party of Fabian socialist technocrats know they are selling the world wholesale on utter bullshit, from outdated Darwinian theories, to climate change, to dehumanization and Marxism, the global center of world bullshit just happens to also be the global center of the highest levels of technocratic control. This is who Orwell was talking about in 1984. Tyson, then, is a mere minion of these faux elite con men. The real secret is that the goal is not progress, but destruction. The New Atheist crew are a front for more sinister powers, functioning as ad men selling phony worldviews to the idiot public who feels they are part of the club scientific elite by parroting the party line of these hucksters.
For years I have been railing about the dishonesty and utter crap from these men, and Tyson’s now viral interview demonstrates everything I have said in past critiques about these frauds. Tyson admits that truth doesn’t matter. Philosophy, the search for truth (and wisdom), is not what Tyson and his comrades care about, yet the entire goal of science from its beginnings has always been about learning the truth about the natural world and reality itself (metaphysics). So Tyson’s quote is a vindication of everything I’ve said. After hundreds of debates with clones of his ilk, the echo chamber of relativism can apparently never be silenced. The reason you cannot put an end to the fallacies and lies of these men is because they hate what is true, and know they are lying. Yet Tyson purports, like the rest of his crew, to publicly debate issues utilizing reason and logic. But logic is philosophy – and philosophy is useless!
What this means is that Neil de Grasse Tyson knows his job has nothing to do with truth and science, but with projecting a false worldview and selling it to a mass audience to dumb them all down. Whether Tyson himself knows this or not is up for debate, but that is his use as a tool, like the rest of his loser New Atheist crew. Philosophy cannot and will never die, because it is reality. The globalist Fabian socialist attempt to rewrite all reality with a synthetic, Satanic inversion to entrap the masses will only entrap them – he who digs a pit will fall into it, as Scripture says. It is not a worldview where meaning is real and eternal that leads to nihilism, it is demonstrably the worldview of scientism promoted as their new gospel by the New Atheists that is fundamentally nihilistic, as they attempt to enclose men in a mental and metaphysical prison of materialism and evolutionary determinism.
Leibniz, Tesla, Gödel, Pauli, and Heisenberg – these are real philosophical scientists. These are men who dared to challenge the dominant bullshit worldviews of their day and make real progress and discovery. The frauds presented to us that propagandize with ridiculous pseudo-science notions like global warming and New Atheism aren’t even men. Dawkins, Dennett, Nye and Tyson aren’t worth a toenail from Leibniz, Tesla, Gödel, Pauli or Heisenberg. And why is it you don’t hear about or learn about these men, yet have the hucksters forced down your throat? Precisely because I am right about a conspiracy to keep you dumbed down, focused on these clowns, and distracted from great men. These losers don’t have truth or logic – they rail against it. They will lose and we will win.
“I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language.” -Werner Heisenberg
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