Mark Hackard Soul of the East What do postmodern exhibitionists, Islamic holy warriors and marauding ultra-nationalists share in common? Seemingly little, aside from the fact that these bizarre bedfellows are the...
Read MoreWhen Vergil wrote the Aeneid, he was writing Imperial mythology to vindicate Rome as the new civilization chosen by the state-approved gods. When Spenser wrote The Faerie Queen, he was admittedly...
Read MoreThe technocratic, panopticon Eye of Big Brother watches you. By: Jay Dyer All the smart dummies, upper class and yuppies go along with and/or join the Outer Party thinking they’ll...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek: Into Darkness differs quite a bit from the original reboot with a much deeper, esoteric geo-political plot. While Star Trek was much better rated, and in ways...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer See Also: Batman: The Dark Knight Rises – Esoteric Analysis Batman Begins marks a substantive renewal for the popular franchise. Taking the story in a much more...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer (2010) Much like Labyrinth, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal is one of those kid’s films all of us who grew up in the 80s seem to have...
Read MoreAs outlined in many places on my blog, such as this post, there are scores of such references in films prior to 9/11 that point to planned events and a...
Read MoreBy: Jay Ariadne constructs the labyrinth in the Greek myths. In Inception, she is the projection of Cobb’s pysche that grounds him – the anima of Jung. Some goofballs in a forum...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I recently re-watched Aeon Flux (2005). In the film adaptation, which departs from its older MTV predecessor, we see a dystopian Brave New World-type scenario where the human...
Read MoreBy: Jay A couple of years ago, when I first began to look at race studies and “national socialism,” someone (I don’t recall who) argued to me that national socialism was...
Read MorePaul Joseph Watson has written a couple great articles that tell it like it is. I recommend reading them and spreading them. American Idolatry Intensifies as Nation Sinks Into Depression Popular...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Justin’s Hortatory Address is interesting. In it we see an apologetic for a convert from Greek philosophy and religion to early Roman Christianity. What is more interesting...
Read More(An old article from my old site – the players mentioned here are in the news now) A Simple Glance at the Geo-Economic Structure By: Jay Last Friday I called...
Read MoreBy: Jay If you’ve ever seen the clips of Hitler rallies, one cannot deny that the mass demonstrations are certainly moving. I’m not saying moving in a good way: rather,...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer 2007 I was awestruck while reading a biography on V.I. Lenin recently. The strange synchronicities concern his creation of a massively extended police state-the “Cheka,” compared with the actions...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer If you’ve read much in terms of Catholic theology and Church History, it’s not too long before you come into contact with various theories about what has...
Read MoreJay Dyer Researchers Peter Collier and David Horowitz were granted in the late sixties and early seventies special access to the Rockefeller Family archives, at that time housed at that...
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