Based on my previous analysis and recent viewing of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, Doctor Strange and the latest installment of Avengers, the Infinity War – replete with...
Read MoreDelving into the deep, dark and mysterious undertones hidden in blockbusters and cult classics alike, Esoteric Hollywood explores philosophy, religion, symbolism and geopolitics, and their connections to film. We...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I have only analyzed two John Carpenter films, Big Trouble in Little China and Prince of Darkness (while Branco covered The Thing), but it’s admittedly absurd to...
Read MoreJamie and I briefly discuss my analysis of the popular Netflix series Stranger Things as 80s pastiche and esoteric revelation. Stream or download audio here. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase...
Read MoreJames Evan Pilato of Media Monarchy invited me on “Navigating Netflix” to discuss the X-Files reboot and its meaning in the pop milieu that is Hollywood’s obsession with rehashing the 80s and...
Read MoreChris Geo invited me on Truth Frequency Radio to discuss esoteric symbolism in film. We cover numerous films, including The Truman Show, Dark City, The Matrix, Alias, Toy Soldiers, Minority...
Read MoreIn this free first hour interview of Esoteric Hollywood, Isaac Weishaupt of joins myself and Jamie Hanshaw to discuss the recent mega-ritual social engineering events known as the Superbowl...
Read MoreBeginning our cult series, James and I will also conduct upcoming podcasts based around his research into some of the more bizarre, outlandish cults in modern America. Below is the...
Read MoreDownload a higher quality mp3 here. Right click, save as In this interview, I quiz the Collins brothers on their claim that the alien mythos is manufactured by the power...
Read MoreBy: Jay Working my way through the Spielberg canon, I couldn’t pass up an esoteric analysis of E.T. While I think Close Encounters is loaded with esoteric and conspiratorial clues and...
Read MoreBy: Jay The Stanley Kubrick film, 2001: A Space Odyssey was a visual and technical accomplishment, unparalleled at the time of its making. I recall watching it for the first time...
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