By: Jay Dyer J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek: Into Darkness differs quite a bit from the original reboot with a much deeper, esoteric geo-political plot. While Star Trek was much better rated, and in ways...
Read MoreDownload a higher quality mp3 here. Right click, save as In this interview, I quiz the Collins brothers on their claim that the alien mythos is manufactured by the power...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer When contemplating the present zeitgeist, I am constantly struck by the never-ending stream of inane retardation that assaults my senses on a daily basis. From the perspective...
Read MoreBy: Jay Working my way through the Spielberg canon, I couldn’t pass up an esoteric analysis of E.T. While I think Close Encounters is loaded with esoteric and conspiratorial clues and...
Read MoreNote: apologies for the Skype quality which skips and jumps here and there, and which I could not help. We’ll just pretend it’s cryptographic and we’re “agents” (not spies!) and...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Max Horkheimer and Theodore W. Adorno, key figures of the Frankfurt School of Marxist Critical Theory, wrote in their landmark work, “Dialectic of Enlightenment,” that “myth...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer The study of conspiracy leads directly to the study of covert operations and intelligence agencies. As one reads about the plots and intrigues of secret societies, one...
Read MoreTracing the Possible Influences for “Redcrosse Knight” and “Lucifera” By: Jay (c) Copyright Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queen represents a high point in British Renaissance literature. Intended to be a mythological...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer These 80s cult classics do well for analyses. Vitrually all the classics children of the 80s like myself grew up with were loaded with deeper, esoteric symbolism,...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Hanna is an awesome film. As a story and entertainment, it is top notch. However, as the message goes I have some stuff to bitch about (as usual),...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer See Also: Batman: The Dark Knight Rises – Esoteric Analysis Batman Begins marks a substantive renewal for the popular franchise. Taking the story in a much more...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer (2010) Much like Labyrinth, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal is one of those kid’s films all of us who grew up in the 80s seem to have...
Read MoreBy: Peter Parker In a world where queer theory and feminists readings dominate the realm of academia, the analytical method known as esoteric analysis is, sadly, restricted to the outer...
Read More[Note: This originally appeared on my old blog a few years ago. The Guardian also wrote a similar piece around that time, however, not connecting it to 9/11 and planned...
Read MoreAs outlined in many places on my blog, such as this post, there are scores of such references in films prior to 9/11 that point to planned events and a...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Eyes Wide Shut is a film that failed to live to the expectations of many. It was supposed to be an edgy thriller that made statements about...
Read MoreMattie’s father in True Grit is a mason, and we see here amongst his things a square and compass:...
Read MoreEmma Stone’s new to DVD film, Easy A is a tribute to 80s classics like Say Anything and Sixteen Candles, but it also contains some interesting overlapping synchronicities and hints...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I hate to always harp on gnosticism, but it’s undeniably the recurrent theme of most sci fi and fantasy/cult films. Gnosticism is the ancient perennial tradition that descends...
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