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Published On February 27, 2017 » 4666 Views»
Apologetics, Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Comedy, Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric Hollywood Episodes, Esoteric/Speculation, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Psy Ops, Religion, Video
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Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks esoteric Hollywood and movie magic with returning guest Jay Dyer.
We all know the many mediums of mass communication, from the printing press to the Internet, have regularly been used throughout the course of history as tools of culture creation, propaganda, and a multitude of programming. Iit should come as no surprise that movies and films are simply yet another weapon to be wielded in said arsenal. Well, today’s returning guest Jay Dyer joins us to offer up his recent analysis and help us wade our way through some of that sweet sweet Hollywood weirdness.
2:00 Greg and Jay begin by discussing his new book including a provocative portion addressing “film as ritual”. Although our understanding of ritual has taken root in religious ceremonies, in ancient Greek times, plays and theatre performances from the greats such as Sophocles and Homer were intimately connected to “the Gods”. Dyer explains how this has evolved into what is known today as the Stanislavski method, an immersive method of acting practiced by numerous A-list actors.
6:15 Jay elaborates on whether there are any clear examples in today’s film industry that indicate actors attempting to channel and invoke entities through their performances by using acting as a ritual.
13:15 While film can act as a useful mechanism of invocation, it also serves as an effective vehicle for delivering occult and esoteric themes. Greg and Jay discuss the idea that the aim of Hollywood is to strip us of our imagination and handicap our ability to visualize, ultimately furthering the divide between consciousness and matter. They also examine Disney’s role in the destruction of the imagination.
17:42 Jay elaborates on the role and works of Steven Spielberg, and breaks down the three major themes he deals with: the Holocaust, familial relations, and aliens. He also details how his book focuses primarily on Spielberg’s work involving aliens and transhumanism and how tech integration can lead to dystopia. Dyer also discusses films such as “Minority Report”, “War of the Worlds”, and “E.T.” and their connection to the deep state, military industrial complex, and international corporations.
27:20 Greg and Jay continue discussing the similarities between “E.T.” and the Kubrick-Spielberg collaboration “A.I.”, and the connection between the origins of advanced technology and inter-dimensional beings.
38:20 While a majority of our understanding about our planet and solar system are typically derived from the predictive programming in movies and TV, Jay addresses whether there are other aspects of our reality being manipulated. Dyer also discusses N.A.S.A.’s extensive role in Hollywood, and elites such as James Cameron and Ridley Scott.
44:30 Greg and Jay tackle cult classic and Spielberg film, “The Goonies”. Dyer details the specifics of mason and drug trader John Jacob Astor, the use of the Jolly Roger flag by trans-nationalists, and how they relate to “The Goonies”.
Subscribe to the plus show to hear the extended episode, including:
– predictive programming in both “Back to the Future” and “Gremlins 2” regarding the Trump presidency
– the conspiratorial smorgasbord that is, “G.I. Joe” and how it touches on almost all the major themes of the alternative realm
– the military recruitment campaign found in films you’d least expect
– Dr. Strangelove as an allusion to the RAND corporation
– esoteric Hollywood films shot on location at Rothschild mansions
– why the Tavistock Institute would be studying Hitchcock films
– the role of 70’s and 80’s dystopia films like Labyrinth and the Dark Crystal
-the films of David Lynch
– Jays thoughts on more recent films like Split and Arrival
– Chuck Palahniuk’s work
A few valuable resources from the interview:
Plato’s Ion Dialogue: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/ion.html
Martin Sheen tripping in “Apocalypse Now”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwlpKNLS3X8
“Switching Time” by Richard Baer: http://www.switchingtime.com/
“Sybil” was fake: http://www.npr.org/2011/10/20/141514464/real-sybil-admits-multiple-personalities-were-fake
Knight Shyamalan’s “Split”: http://www.splitmovie.com/
Gregory Bateson’s “Steps to an Ecology of Mind”: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Gregory_Bateson
Disney’s dark agenda: http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/04/08/a-dark-agenda-how-disney-is-cultivating-our-childrens-imaginations/
Dave McGowan’s work: https://www.amazon.com/David-McGowan/e/B00HX2N7LM/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
Jay Weidner’s “Kubrick’s Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the Films”: https://www.amazon.com/Kubricks-Odyssey-Secrets-Hidden-Films/dp/B004PF0FJM
Fritz Springmeier’s books: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Fritz+Springmeier&search-alias=books&field-author=Fritz+Springmeier&sort=relevancerank
Want more Jay Dyer? Check out his website (https://jaysanalysis.com/) where you can find all things Jay, including his books, blogs and podcast.
Want to hear more THC? Become a plus member and gain access to the additional hour as well as the THC forums! If you want to stay connected to The Higherside Chats, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, check out our YouTube channel, find us on Reddit, or review us on iTunes. Thanks for the support, and until next time.
6:15 Jay elaborates on whether there are any clear examples in today’s film industry that indicate actors attempting to channel and invoke entities through their performances by using acting as a ritual.
13:15 While film can act as a useful mechanism of invocation, it also serves as an effective vehicle for delivering occult and esoteric themes. Greg and Jay discuss the idea that the aim of Hollywood is to strip us of our imagination and handicap our ability to visualize, ultimately furthering the divide between consciousness and matter. They also examine Disney’s role in the destruction of the imagination.
17:42 Jay elaborates on the role and works of Steven Spielberg, and breaks down the three major themes he deals with: the Holocaust, familial relations, and aliens. He also details how his book focuses primarily on Spielberg’s work involving aliens and transhumanism and how tech integration can lead to dystopia. Dyer also discusses films such as “Minority Report”, “War of the Worlds”, and “E.T.” and their connection to the deep state, military industrial complex, and international corporations.
27:20 Greg and Jay continue discussing the similarities between “E.T.” and the Kubrick-Spielberg collaboration “A.I.”, and the connection between the origins of advanced technology and inter-dimensional beings.
38:20 While a majority of our understanding about our planet and solar system are typically derived from the predictive programming in movies and TV, Jay addresses whether there are other aspects of our reality being manipulated. Dyer also discusses N.A.S.A.’s extensive role in Hollywood, and elites such as James Cameron and Ridley Scott.
44:30 Greg and Jay tackle cult classic and Spielberg film, “The Goonies”. Dyer details the specifics of mason and drug trader John Jacob Astor, the use of the Jolly Roger flag by trans-nationalists, and how they relate to “The Goonies”.
Subscribe to the plus show to hear the extended episode, including:
– predictive programming in both “Back to the Future” and “Gremlins 2” regarding the Trump presidency
– the conspiratorial smorgasbord that is, “G.I. Joe” and how it touches on almost all the major themes of the alternative realm
– the military recruitment campaign found in films you’d least expect
– Dr. Strangelove as an allusion to the RAND corporation
– esoteric Hollywood films shot on location at Rothschild mansions
– why the Tavistock Institute would be studying Hitchcock films
– the role of 70’s and 80’s dystopia films like Labyrinth and the Dark Crystal
-the films of David Lynch
– Jays thoughts on more recent films like Split and Arrival
– Chuck Palahniuk’s work
A few valuable resources from the interview:
Plato’s Ion Dialogue: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/ion.html
Martin Sheen tripping in “Apocalypse Now”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwlpKNLS3X8
“Switching Time” by Richard Baer: http://www.switchingtime.com/
“Sybil” was fake: http://www.npr.org/2011/10/20/141514464/real-sybil-admits-multiple-personalities-were-fake
Knight Shyamalan’s “Split”: http://www.splitmovie.com/
Gregory Bateson’s “Steps to an Ecology of Mind”: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Gregory_Bateson
Disney’s dark agenda: http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/04/08/a-dark-agenda-how-disney-is-cultivating-our-childrens-imaginations/
Dave McGowan’s work: https://www.amazon.com/David-McGowan/e/B00HX2N7LM/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
Jay Weidner’s “Kubrick’s Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the Films”: https://www.amazon.com/Kubricks-Odyssey-Secrets-Hidden-Films/dp/B004PF0FJM
Fritz Springmeier’s books: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Fritz+Springmeier&search-alias=books&field-author=Fritz+Springmeier&sort=relevancerank
Want more Jay Dyer? Check out his website (https://jaysanalysis.com/) where you can find all things Jay, including his books, blogs and podcast.
Want to hear more THC? Become a plus member and gain access to the additional hour as well as the THC forums! If you want to stay connected to The Higherside Chats, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, check out our YouTube channel, find us on Reddit, or review us on iTunes. Thanks for the support, and until next time.
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