I recently graduated, and my rocky, extended college career has given me many insights into the nature of the system, or more properly what might be called the academic control grid. I’ve seen quite a bit in my ten years at four different colleges, though those stats might lead you to believe I’m a closet failure. Not so: I only seemed to be a failure, that I might avail myself of more time to analyze the system and expose it. Okay, not really. But I have learned some things about the control grid that is the education/university system.
Is it all bad? No, not the 10% that isn’t the norm. I personally learned a lot of good philosophy enjoying some engaging philosophy, literature, and history classes. But what really rubs me raw is (forgive me for sounding like a troubled teen) how fake the entire structure is. It reminds of an “Amos and Andy” episode I saw once as a kid, where the duo bought a house from a Hollywood set that appeared very large and quite exquisite, but was actually a huge, one-dimensional set piece. “Sho is a thin house,” said Andy after walking through the door. The University system is precisely that. In reality, it is a massive house built upon the four balsa wood pillars of statism, Darwinism, communistic/socialistic “equality” and pure relativism. Behind these is the “secret” pillar of Freemasonry and the Rockefeller-Banker controlled foundations and a subtly constructed plan (borrowed from the Prussians), and created for the purpose of dumbing down students into complete Pavlovian controlled responses.
The professors are far too often 1960’s leftover-lefties, with about as much concern for truth as the Fox News they profess to hate so much. Unfortunately, one does not go to the university to learn truth: one attends the local university to learn to work the system. That is, the total control grid that elite cartels have been putting in place for the last hundred years or so. The absurdities of academic life are quite manifest: under the guise of the freedom of inquiry, the system mysteriously forbids or mocks any questioning of Darwinism or Global Warming, for example. Believe me, I know from experience. Beyond this, espousal of any kind of absolutist ethic is also swiftly persecuted in inquisitorial fashion. It takes courage for a Christian to say he opposes abortion in a modern university, and will certainly suffer ridicule and sometimes even receive bad grades, simply for taking an un-popular, biblical position. This is not always the case, but can and does occur.
Why is it like this? It is like this because the elite, occult establishment has gained almost complete social control, and funds and promotes this given power-structure with all its resources and zeal. Thus, as a young man, I am almost forced into attending a ridiculous university where I learn how to not learn, in order to get a “good job,” and am then expected to pay thousands of dollars of worthless fiat currency back to J.P. Morgan (literally)–tuition money, which then goes to pay for the campus to have hideous modern “art” programs, feminist workshops, gay films, Globalization brainwashing festivals, and new, million dollar edifices, where even more incoming freshmen can learn to serve the state as God.
So, I learned fairly early on that the system was about promoting and sustaining the system, a form of Weberian “rationalization.” The beast has no other end than the perpetual existence of the beast itself. The only students who generally excel in this system are the one’s who jump through all the hoops, bowing before big brother. Granted, many of the more intelligent “rebellious” sophomores and juniors end up wanting to “fight the system,” but they’ve already been brainwashed into accepting moral relativism, so why does it really matter? In this worldview, there is no objective moral reason to “fight the system.” So, by the time they are in grad school, they have abandoned the phony, elite-controlled left, become apathetic, and are reduced to occultists or nihilists, concentrating on their thesis concerning the reliability of the gnostic Gospels and the unreliability of the synoptics. Elite objective achieved: new recruit fully brainwashed, taking his seat as the incoming professor in place of the previous zombie.
This is why the CIA recruits on campuses, and Homeland Security is now recruiting fourfold on campuses. These entities will most likely recruit only the reasonably intelligent sorority and fraternity saps with decent GPA’s. Why? Because this puppet has already been primed for the masonic establishment in his/her pseudo-masonic fraternity or sorority. They are perfectly malleable material for big brother. This poor fellow’s professed livelihood is his false “brotherhood,” and if you’ve ever heard these fraternity types speak of the “mystical bond” between themselves and their click, you know what I mean. And so enters another generation of cogs in the machine. None of these poor fellows have even pondered whether the system itself is actually immoral. They have been bred from the womb (and will be to the tomb) good children of Holy Mother State. Why should they? Prof. Peabody has told them that, “there are no absolutes.”…except the absolute that there are no absolutes. But who cares about contradictions, as long as we have the masses of average students believing in Holy Mother State.
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