Jay Dyer joins the Tim Kelly Show to discuss his article “Why Does The War on Terror Serve Western Policy?” and a piece he co-wrote with 21st Century Wire’s Patrick...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer JaysAnalysis has analyzed 007 in the past, as well as Howard Hughes in light of Scorcese’s, The Aviator, but could there be a connection between the two? What...
Read MoreShawn Helton 21st Century Wire The recent ‘Ramadan Attacks’ supposedly carried out by members of ISIS – reek of Western propaganda dispensed from shadowy think-tanks. Over the past month, we’ve...
Read More“John and myself have another great call with Jay Dyer (jaysanalysis.com). We discuss Max Horkheimer,Theodore W. Adorno, Frankfurt School,Marxism, banking, Columbia University, Institute for Social Research,the Nazis, the MACY Group,...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Jurassic World is the sometime sequel to whatever the last Jurassic film was. In Jurassic Park, a ill-conceived theme park based on genetic resurrecting of the dinosaur...
Read MoreTune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network tonight for another episode of ‘The Boiler Room’with its new 2 hour format, with the LIVE broadcast starting at 8:00 PM-10:00 PM...
Read More Upon being invited to discuss philosophy and theology with a group of guys in St. Louis, I was inspired to record my reflections on the weekend. JaysAnalysis was on...
Read MoreTim Kelly invited me back to discuss the Cold War more indepth. We delve into bankster funding of both sides of the conflict, industrialists like Henry Ford, strategies of tension...
Read More Veteran researchers, historians, writers and geopolitical analysts Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould joined me to discuss their scholarly works, notably Invisible History: The Untold Story of Afghanistan, Crossing Zero...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Joss Whedon’s follow-up to The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, is setting new box office records for Marvel, and has roughly the same degree of critical response...
Read MoreBy: Jennifer and Jay Dyer Collective Evolution Nostalgia is defined as the “sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.” The feeling...
Read MoreCompletely rewritten. By: Jay Dyer It’s always fun to go back and watch the movies you grew up with. However, it can also be a laughingly disturbing experience, akin to...
Read MoreIn this partial talk, I pick back up with the Platonic corpus to delve into the next 3 dialogues dealing with the virtues. Expanding on the method of the Apology, Socrates...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Transcendence is the ultimate transhumanist film to date. Convalescence would have been a better name. The film begins with some cataclysmic future event that has caused the...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Some of these will be obvious, but as the readership grows there may be insights in certain lesser known films that deal with conspiracy in general. My...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I was tempted to write this as a joke analysis under the name “VibrantCitizen,” but I’ll refrain, since the competition likes to “borrow” ideas without returning them....
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer In film analysis found in alternative news it is often the norm to look for hidden symbols and all-pervasive evil codes, as if every artistic venture were...
Read MoreBy: Jay Darren Aronofsky’s Noah has become the talk of the Internet and religious folk. As a film, I found it flawed and a little odd in its pacing, but...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer The Matrix, as I’ve joked many times, is one of those perennial topics in philosophy 101 classes that tends to evoke the most inane and mindless “philosophizing”...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Vertigo is the best place to start a Hitchcock analysis. While many themes repeat in his films, Vertigo is most memorable for its psychological depth and mystique. ...
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