Search results for "CIA"

By: Jay Dyer (2015) I recently opined in an interview my analysis of the alteration of western thought’s views about essence/ousia, matter and form, should be focused on the difference in Plato and Aristotle.  Eastern...

November 21, 2018 - 1 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer (2012) Big Trouble in Little China is another one of those goofy 80s films that you’re presently assuring yourself has no deeper relevance. You’re smugly saying, “Oh come on Jay, seriously? Another 80s...

November 21, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

 Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR This episode crashes the party with the story of a criminal case that is using Amazon “Alexa” (voice activated technology) audio files...

November 19, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Famous philosopher Thomas Nagel recently published a book questioning the hallowed dogma of strict, reductionist materialism.  I have not read the book, but a philosopher friend recommended it to me.  It’s nice...

November 17, 2018 - 1 Comments Read More

 Tonight I’ll be covering Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball and their Cold War secrets, especially in relation to the first chunk of David Wemhoff’s book on the CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare...

November 14, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

 The Rome is Burning crew invited me on to discuss Paganism, Neo-Pagan movements and the liberal worship of biological determinism. From there we cover JBP’s gnosticism and the error of dualism. We cover the...

November 10, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

As promised, we come to Programmed to Kill, an earlier, and equally important book from Dave McGowan, of Weird Scenes Inside Laurel Canyon fame.  I summarize his thesis and in the full talk give my...

November 5, 2018 - 1 Comments Read More

 The spooky movie stream will commence later, but for now I want to cover specifically how the Orthodox in America are being led into modernism and the acceptance of a host of heretical views...

November 2, 2018 - 2 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer I grew up loving George Miller’s post-apocalyptic Mad Max series. All of us, like rubber-neckers at an accident, have some inner fascination with the potential for a complete collapse and destruction of the existing order and...

October 27, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Roll over, monarchs! The world is now run by virtuous, informed citizens who jealously guard their liberties and work tirelessly to keep themselves abreast of the latest legislation and geopolitical developments. Thanks...

October 27, 2018 - 3 Comments Read More

 Primal Edge Health invited me back to discus the social engineering, not only of the diet, but of the soy male – numale Zeself. An NPC meets Soylicon Valley homunculus. We discuss Alvin Toffler,...

October 27, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer St. Athanasius Uses theosis, the Theotokos, the Real Presence and the Single Subject Argument to Refute the Same Errors Calvinists and Evangelicals Preach: Prior to the battle of St. Cyril of Alexandria with...

October 26, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

 Thank you so much for coming for tuning in for another special episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode is brought to you by the Ridge Wallet and (I had...

October 18, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

 The Boiler Room crew gathers to discuss the news and latest events. Live from Hollywood, half of the boiler room crew reports on the Warner Brothers Studio tour, the sights and sounds of Los...

October 16, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

(From 2008) Highlighting the Connection Between the Council of Ephesus’ Christology, Liturgical Worship and the Real Presence By: Jay Dyer For all serious students of theology and Church History, John McGuckin’s “St. Cyril of Alexandria...

September 29, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

By: Jay Dyer Edge of Tomorrow is like Groundhog Day meets Oblivion, which sounds awful, yet somehow it works.  You get to see Tom Cruise killed over and over by tentacled black aliens.  As odd...

September 21, 2018 - 1 Comments Read More

“When God was conversing with Moses, He did not say, “I am the essence”, but “I am the One Who is.” Thus it is not the One Who is who derives from the essence, but...

September 21, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

 Tens of millions of views on YT – one of the hottest up and coming musicians Wicca Phase Springs Eternal joins me tonight live for a chill chat tonight at 8PM EST. Wicca Phase:

September 19, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

 Is Mac & Me corporate McMarxist propaganda? Is is a commentary on the mundane suburban household being invaded by a corporate subversion force? It is an esoteric treatise against Coca-Cola oil companies that sap...

September 19, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More

 Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR This week the Social Rejects Club continues the discussion of deplatforming, brigading and selective enforcement of arbitrary, amorphous terms of service for...

September 17, 2018 - 0 Comments Read More