While watching the 1998 film, “Enemy of the State,” I noticed a curious reference to 9/11. A few others online have noticed this as well. As we showed recently, pre-9/11 film...
Read MoreRush Limbaugh interviews Lando Calrissian on the machinations of the Bespin Democratic Party. Lando catches up with Rush, telling us what he’s been up to since space in the early...
Read MoreIn a Jay’s Analysis exclusive, I talk spycraft, espionage and current policies and strategies with Col. Anthony Shaffer. Col. Shaffer is a Bronze Star Medal recipient and CIA-trained senior intelligence officer with...
Read MorePolitical commentator and tough (‘Merkan) guy, Snake Plissken (aka ‘Rattler”) describes his experiences concerning breaking into the Nashville country scene. Well, we should say, his plans to break in. Eventually....
Read MoreThis is a must-see documentary on the illusions and magical trickery of the mass media. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc5NTU4MDY4.html...
Read MoreLiberalism ends in anarchy, or to avoid anarchy, imposes its will on an unliberal world. But by imposing its will, it ceases to be liberal, and is become despotic. -Santayana (paraphrase)...
Read MoreI am the dude with the blue hat by Rand’s ear, whispering sweet nothings…....
Read MoreBy: Jay In the wake of a fury of media attention, fake liberal propaganda and smear tactics, Dr. Rand Paul of Kentucky has now been identified as the origin of World Wars...
Read MoreBy: Jay Rand Paul, as many are aware, has become somewhat of a media star of late, with the majority of the mainstream attention focused on anything but the issues....
Read MoreLocal Novus Ordo Priest has Communist Prayers and Genderless Creed By: Jay It is a bad thing to be a red-blooded male and attend a Novus Ordo liturgy locally. Before...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer As with many 80s films I grew up with, they seemed quite innocuous on the surface level, but as you mature, you are able to reflect...
Read MoreI was roped into doing this by a buddy of mine on a blog he writes for, and couldn’t resist. I play the Sufi mystic in the comments. Those familiar...
Read MoreMy new satire/improv video is posted HERE. -Jay The purpose of this video is to showcase how absurd and satirical the establishment left’s attack on Dr. Rand Paul is. All...
Read MoreAlex Jones covers our story today: http://www.ajpfiles.com/August2010/Alex.Jones.8.13.2010.mp3...
Read More———————— And O’Reilley and Ingraham cover it here....
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