Patrick Henningsen of invited me on the last segment of the Sunday Wire to discuss the faux “skeptic” racket of Snopes and how the supposed neutral “fact-checkers,” as well...
Read MoreIn this episode I offer a presentation of two of my most popular analyses over the years: Richard Kelly’s Donnie Darko and The Box. From hidden references to the shadow...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Or, Gang of Teens Team up with Tard to Tackle Illuminati Goonies is not politically correct. Could you imagine a movie nowadays with a total retard pretending...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I have only analyzed two John Carpenter films, Big Trouble in Little China and Prince of Darkness (while Branco covered The Thing), but it’s admittedly absurd to...
Read More Greg Carlwood from Higher Side Chats invited me on to discuss science fiction, esoterica, Asimov’s Foundation, numerology, biblical texts and gematria, twilight language, prophetic texts, philosophy, ancient philosophy, Kubrick...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer In researching the MK ULTRA programs and their various offshoots, I came across an interesting connection to the coming SmartGrid. Under Dr. Ewan Cameron, a prison tracking...
Read MoreStream or download here. John and Chris join returning guest and preeminent esoteric researcher, Jay Dyer. Topics discussed include: NYC/NJ Bombing, Tom Clancy, 9/11 Predictive Programming, The Saint, Three...
Read More Stream or download here. Dean Arnold invited me on his new podcast GlobalStoryline to discuss theology, philosophy, and the formation of worldviews. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Assessing the problems in American public education and academia elicits standard responses that are generally trite and multitude. “Lack of funding,”, or “adequately trained teachers,” often...
Read MoreShawn Helton 21st Century Wire On the eve of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the man implicated in shooting the 40th President of the United States will be released from...
Read More Stream or download the first half here. John B. Wells invited me on to discuss Neon Demon, occult manipulation and brainwashing and how pop culture influences and connects with...
Read MoreKatehon Think Tank To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links...
Read MoreStream or download the first half here. Andrew Korybko of Sputnik, Russia-Insider, Oriental Review, and Katehon joins me to discuss his book Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach to Regime Change....
Read MoreKatehon On this day in 1793, the French National Convention officially declared the Reign of Terror, which was allegedly necessary to defend the gains of the revolution. In the 20th...
Read MoreThis is the first half of a full interview which can obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year. Daniel Spaulding...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer The speedy, steady slide of the arts into total degeneracy as a form of weaponized chaos descends like lightning speed in the West. This devolution and digression...
Read MoreStream or download hour 1 free here. Jamie Hanshaw joins me to answer questions from listeners and analyze 5 Hollywood presentations of Voodoo and Hoodoo: The Believers, Serpent and the...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer The standard charge of classical Protestantism is that the Orthodoxy is “idolatrous” because of the tradition of reverencing icons, images, relics and shrines. If Orthodoxy thought these...
Read MoreIt is a truism American voters are far more interested in domestic issues during a presidential election. And this suits the foreign policy establishment just fine. Since the Cold War...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Suicide squad is who they call to counsel the people leaving that shit movie. Possibly the worst superhero film yet, it even rivals the likes of Spawn, Catwoman...
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