The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and the top film, the latest in the Shyamalan trilogy. Live at 9Pm EST! Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio
On this episode of the show the Social Rejects Club is discussing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez releasing her idiotic “Green New Deal policy” outline for a pie in the sky socialist utopia that leaves even the Bernie’ist progressives scratching their heads and wondering how these policies will be enacted and paid for. Next on the media menu is this doozy of a headline: ‘John of God’ faith healer ‘kept teenagers as sex slaves and sold their babies for up to £40,000 before shipping them from Brazil to Europe’ – You’ll just have to hear the breakdown and do your own research to make your own decisions on this one. And finally a brief teaser conversation about an upcoming Boiler Room analysis of the M. Night Shyamalan trilogy (Unbreakable, Split & Glass). All this and much more. Bring your bio-hazard suit and pull your boots up high for another irreverent jaunt through the toxic waste of the Mass Media Cartels and the Social Media sewage streams. Enjoy the show!
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