Onision Youtube Drama, Confirmed E Celeb Dyer, 90s Films & Weird News – Jay Dyer/Boiler Room

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Published On January 25, 2020 » 1474 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Audio/mp3, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Featured, Psy Ops, The Jay Show, Video

#onision #drama #Eceleb

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher, Spore & Jay Dyer.

This episode finds the ACR Braintrust covering the recent story of a Miami Police Captain who began “identifying” as a black man and was suspended from his job, the Twitter threads the gang examines on the topic are indicative of the general public getting disillusioned with ‘this-and-thats’ becoming “social constructs.” The gang also exposes CNN pushing ponzi-scheme style informercials masquerading as news in the social justice and race relations realm to, get this, help a Japanese company sell MSG laden products (insert *facepalm* emoji here). We also take a quick update on the VA 2a rallies happening and some this week in tech gone wrong segments to round it out… Enjoy the show!

The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and nonsense! We discuss weird news coming close to Rachel Dolezal level weird, CNN covering rayyycist MSG, my new status as confirmed E Celeb as famous as Eliza Dushku and Brigitte Nielsen (but not as famous as Carrot Top, Gallagher or Rowdy Roddy Piper), Onision and Chris Hansen to catch a predator drama, and my takes on Devil’s Advocate and Color Out of Space.

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