Mandela Effect & the Biometric World Order – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

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Published On December 5, 2019 » 1815 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Culture, Featured, Psy Ops, The Jay Show, Video

The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and nonsense. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – Uninterruptible Talk Radio – Thursday Nights on ACR

This episode has BOILER ROOM hosts, Hesher & Spore, along with Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw discussing not only the realities and direction of globalism, but the ‘burning secrets’ and perils of perineum sunning. The gang talks about Dr. Day’s 1969 speech about the “…arrival of the totalitarian system.” The talk also turns to the ID2020 initiative, are globalists implanting the homeless with microchips to track ID, medical records and more? Join the Social Rejects Club for another round table edition of BOILER ROOM!

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