War on Reality – Jay Dyer, Primal Edge Health & Benny Wills

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Published On October 19, 2019 » 1929 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Audio/mp3, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Featured, Philosophy, The Jay Show, Video

Is the Red Cross going to make blood donation less safe than it already is in the name of sacrificing safety for so-called political correctness? What has Benny Will’s been up to since his last visit to BOILER ROOM? What cults are Jay and Jamie analyzing with the nerds at the Jay Dyer YouTube channel? Has Tristan Haggard returned to YouTube live? What is the gang’s take on the Disney empire, the meaning behind EPCOT, smart cities and NEOM mega-city. For all this and much more… Hang with Hesher, Spore, Jay, Jamie, Tristan, Benny & Randy J on this weeks meeting of the Social Rejects Club known as BOILER ROOM!

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