Rainforests BURN As Harambe & Cecil WEEP at Burning Man – Jay Dyer & Benny Wills

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Published On August 23, 2019 » 1887 Views» By admin » Archives, Audio/mp3, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Featured, Philosophy, Psychology/Sociology, The Jay Show, Video

#burningman #rainforest #harambe

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher & Spore
On this episode, BOILER ROOM Host, Hesher, and Co-Host, Spore are joined by Jay Dyer, Randy J and Benny Wills to discuss “hookk-up apps” with terrible security being used in government facilities. Are this summers Amazon Rain Forest fires YOUR fault?! Extinction Revolution – why do people still buy into impending ecological fear propaganda? Big Data: Is it the key to the real life analogy to the Tolkien concept of “Sauron” and is Palantir the keeper of the seeing stone? Is the all seeing eye really the eye of the techoncrat in the form of surveillance, online censorship, deplatforming, profiling, big data collection and artificial intelligence assessing people for ‘social viability and credit’? And it can’t hurt to discuss the deeper meanings behind the nations biggest summer festival as Burning Man 2019 approaches … All this and more on this episode of BOILER ROOM!

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