Once Upon a Time in Hollywood & Laurel Canyon – Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

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Published On August 1, 2019 » 4284 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Audio/mp3, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Culture, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Philosophy, Politics, The Jay Show, Video

The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and nonsense. LIVE at 7PM EST

Music by Amid the Ruins 1453. Jeffery Epstein’s “clownification” as a story published by the New York Times issues claims that the billionaire convict ‘planned his own baby-making factory to spread his DNA and to have his penis frozen after death’ – Is this a click-bait distraction from his actual victims and co-conspirators? Wanna know what really happens to organ donors and bodies donated to “science”? From “blast testing” grandma’s remains to buckets of heads sewn together – lets find out. This week found a barrage of “technocracy/A.I.” themed articles hit the radar of the BOILER ROOM gang: robot skin that can “feel” in real time, brain scanning A.I. that can translate thoughts to text, “Google Health” developing A.I. based medical devices and more. So call those Blade Runners and Sky Net opposition forces because this crazy tech/A.I./technocracy stuff is only going to get more and more outrageous. Oh by the way, scientists from the U.S. are in China making “Human-Monkey” embryos for potential organ harvesting operations – it is not ethically or legally allowed here in the states, so hey lets send our genetic Dr. Frankensteins over to China to share gene hacking DNA Chimera science with the Chinese… All this and more on this episode of BOILER ROOM!

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