John Wick 3, GMOs, AOC & Bernie, Boiler Room with Jay Dyer In Studio!

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Published On May 23, 2019 » 2563 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Conspiracy, Featured, Religion, The Jay Show, Video

The crew gathers to discuss the latest crazy news and events. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM

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This week the Alternate Current Radio Brain Trust takes to the Social Rejects Club round table for another romp through the news and social feeds of the week. Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis), Benny Wills (Joy Camp & Benny and Randy J in the BOILER ROOM. On the agenda tonight 3D printed “death pods” for “stylish” and “peaceful” suicide. Alexandria Occasio Cortes leaves the gang wondering how growing cauliflower can be racist, the strange tale of the White House lawn self-immolation by Arnav Gupta, thoughts on the carnivore diet, unveiling the new Benny Wills website and YouTube channel and a trip report from the Jay Dyer book signing/Boiler Room meet up in Texas… All this and much more on this episode of BOILER ROOM.

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