Dad Jokes, Dad Gas & Denver Airport Gargoyle – Jay Dyer – Boiler Room

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Published On March 9, 2019 » 1932 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Featured, History, Philosophy, Religion, Video

The boiler room gang gathers to debate the latest news. WE touch on dad jokes, dad gas, the Denver airport, carnivals, demon seed the movie, weird weather and more! Hesher, Spore and Jay Dyer bring the old school Social Rejects club to the table this week, discussing absurd ‘agender alien’ persons, the unicorn phenomena, adult babies, strange antarctic structures, the new talking gargoyle at the Denver Airport, Mass Media Cartel agencies ambushing Bernie Sanders with political operatives disguised as everyday people, how the American public feels about “socialist” candidates and candidates over 75, the deathbed warning of the ‘godfather’ of climate science, the ‘War on Meat’ and the scope of surveillance in China as indicated by a recent data leak. #dadjokes #fart #joerogan

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