Jussie Smollett, Climate Debate & Wrestling – Jay Dyer & Primal Edge & Benny Wills – Boiler Room

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Published On February 23, 2019 » 2201 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Conspiracy, Culture, Featured, Philosophy, Politics, Psy Ops, Psychology/Sociology, The Jay Show, Video

#jussiesmollett #WWE #hollywood The boiler room crew gathers to discuss the news and latest nonsense.

Strap in for another meeting of the Social Rejects Club as the Boiler Room convenes for the weekly deep dive into the sewage of the mass media cartels and the mind numbing, death race, autobahn of the social media superhighway. This week Hesher, Spore and the gang are discussing a new “diagnosis” called “climate grief”… is it an actual diagnosis or just cheap words to mask what should be looked upon as trauma based, media inflicted mind control? Benny Wills brings a trip report from his appearance at the anarchapulco event. Also, on the docket for this episode is the flash in the pan, 15 minutes of faux outrage, riding the trendy lust for victimhood hoax committed by Empire actor, Jussie Smollett, as he has been arrested for paying two men $3,500 to stage an attack on him leading to charges of disorderly conduct for making a false police report. All this and more on this episode of BOILER ROOM, enjoy the show!

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