Riots in France, Carbon Scam, Globalism and Esoteric Hollywood 2 – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room 200!

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Published On December 16, 2018 » 2210 Views» By admin » Archives, Audio/mp3, Comedy, Conspiracy, Culture, Featured, Film Review/Analysis, Geopolitics

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio

This episodes sees Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Randy J and Max celebrate 200 episodes of Boiler Room. Once the pleasantries are complete the show takes off the gloves and punches California square in the LEFT eye-socket with criticism of their proposed “Text Tax” and their incoming ammunition laws that amount to CA being the test bed for a state with a gun & ammunition registry. Jay Dyer announces the release of his new book, Esoteric Hollywood 2, in his web store and gives an overview of what to expect in his follow up book. More questions than answers arise in response to a mysterious incident about Russian air support headed to Venezuela. Hesher and Randy J want to know why Mueller investigation is not looking towards Israel, Britain, the Clinton Foundation and the United Nations if they want to find actual crime, collusion and interference in the 2016 elections.

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