NPC Nuclear Meme, Social Engineering, Geopolitics Run Down: Boiler Room Live at 9PM EST

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Published On October 18, 2018 » 2016 Views» By admin » Archives, Audio/mp3, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Conspiracy, Culture, Featured, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Politics, Video

The Boiler Room crew gathers to discuss the news and latest events. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR

This episode explores the social media meme sensation called “NPC (Non Player Character) that has the Social Justice Warriors, Silicon Valley companies, mass media cartels and progressives feeling “dehumanized.” The gang is also discussing the massive YouTube outtage, the rebooting and updating of the world wide DNS servers, Trump vs. Stormy Daniels and the ‘creepy porn lawyer,’ Marxist college professors giving extra credit to students for attending a political rally on campus, female high school students ruining a male pupils reputation with fake allegations of sexual misconduct because they ‘didn’t like him,’ MK-Ultra in the 21st century, big pharma and its place near the top of the ‘pyramid,’ left wing democrat operatives encouraging assault and violence against republicans, the unconfirmed/unresolved narrative of the alleged killing of journalist and former Saudi insider Jamal Khashoggi and much more!

Join Hesher, Spore, Infidel Pharaoh, Jay Dyer and Daniel Spaulding for this gathering of the media maniacs in the Social Rejects Club on Alternate Current Radio.

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