Kanye & Trump BFF, Syria & War & Other Insanities

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Published On April 27, 2018 » 2051 Views» By admin » Audio/mp3, Comedy, Comedy Videos, Conspiracy, Culture, Economics, Featured, History, music industry, Religion, Video

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Join the Boiler Room for this special weekly transmission which the ACR Brain-trust talking about a Hollywood Sex Cult in deep legal waters, the Bill Cosby conviction, German public transit users who’ll literally fight for their “right” to be lewd in public, Jay Dyer gives his birds eye view of the deeper roots of the Syrian conflict, Jamie Hanshaw breaks down the parallels found between “MGTOW” /”Incel” groups and feminist philosophies, Hesher outlines the mainstream leftist ‘dumpsterfication’ of all dissenting voices into a amorphous intellectual dumpster fire of what Silicon Valley employees might call “shitty people.” The show sees returning special guests, Fvnk$oul and Infidel Pharaoh balancing out this weeks epic gathering of the Social Rejects Club talking about other stories like the TN Waffle House shooting and the Van attack in Toronto.
Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore for Boiler Room along side Fvnk$oul, Infidel Pharaoh, Jamie Hanshaw and Jay Dyer from JaysAnalysis.com. So dawn your Social Rejects Club battle jackets, turn it up and sink in for another journey through the splendid secretions of the Independent Media with the Boiler Room on ACR.

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