POWER DRILL: Nice 'Attack Theater' Preceded by Massive DRILLS

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Published On July 15, 2016 » 2579 Views» By admin » Audio/mp3, Conspiracy, Featured, Geopolitics, Politics, Psy Ops, Video


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I give my preliminary analysis given the recent mainstream reports of massive Euro terror drills in 2016 which curiously precede all major attacks, often with the same scenarios. Numerology comes into play echoing 7/7 in London and 7/7 last week in Dallas. The events are yet another copy of the fake Bataclan event, Gladio-style publicly staged, entrapped and manufactured ‘terror.’ I also discuss how France is the home of French Revolutionary ‘terror’ that overthrew the monarchy for the Jacobin-Illuminists. Now, the same model of Gladio terror cells has transferred into the phony ISIS model.


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