JaysAnalysis: Nina Kouprianova on Espionage & Geopolitical Tensions (Half)

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Published On April 21, 2016 » 3027 Views» By admin » Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Culture, Economics, Espionage, Geopolitics, History, Politics, Psy Ops

Nina Kouprianova is an independent analyst of geopolitics and culture. She earned her PhD (History) from the University of Toronto, focusing on modern and contemporary Russia, culture, and U.S. foreign policy. In this interview we discuss her translations and articles found at Espionage History Archive, Soul of the East and on her own blog, NinaByzantina. Critical of the leftist tyranny in modern academia, Nina tells us about her experiences in the West, as well as her upbringing in Russia. From there, we discuss her recent translations that touch on Hitler, Stalin, and Syria, as well as her analysis of the Ukraine, NATO and the IMF, and how color revolutions and “humanitarian” agendas are often not what they seem. Nina also gives us her homework recommendations for film, philosophy and history.  The first half of this talk is free, while the full interview can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month at the PayPal link. Her work can be found below:

Stream or download the free half here.

Nina on Twitter
Nina’s work at Soul of the East
Nina’s work at Espionage History Archive
Her blog
Saker’s Italian Translations
Pravoslavie Articles
Spanish Translations
Image Credit: Nina Kouprianova

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