(Half) Orthodoxy, Rome, Vatican II & Ecumenical Collapse: Fr. Peter Heers w/JaysAnalysis

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Published On March 19, 2016 » 3233 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Audio/mp3, Books/Literature, Culture, Religion, Theology

Fr. Peter Heers is a Greek Orthodox priest with a doctorate in Dogmatic Theology from the Theological School of the University of Thessalonica, where he has also completed his undergraduate studies and Master’s Degree in Dogmatic Theology. He is the rector and spiritual father of the parish of the Holy Prophet Elias in Petrokerasa, a small village in the mountains outside of Thessalonica, Greece. In 2014 he was made Protopresbyteros and Spiritual Father of the Diocese of Ierissou and Agion Oros.
Fr. Peter is the author of The Missionary Origins of Modern Ecumenism: Milestones Leading up to 1920, as well as the newly released title, in Greek, The Ecclesiological Renovation of the Second Vatican Council: An Orthodox Examination of Rome’s Ecumenical Theology Regarding Baptism and the Church.
Fr. Peter is also the translator of several books, including the Life of Elder Paisios and the Epistles of Elder Paisios, The Truth of our Faith (vols 1&2) by Elder Cleopa and Apostle to Zaire: The Life of Fr. Cosmas of Grigoriou, as well as the best-selling children’s book From I-ville to You-ville.
Fr. Peter, in addition to being the founder and current head of Uncut Mountain Press, was also the founder and first editor of “Divine Ascent, A Journal of Orthodox Faith.” He is also the host of the online podcast, Postcards from Greece found at Ancient Faith Radio, and a regular speaker to parish groups in the United States and Canada.”
His new book, The Ecclesiological Renovation of Vatican II: An Orthodox Examination of Rome’s Ecumenical Theology Regarding Baptism and the Church is now available and functions as the topic of our interview.  Fr. Peter enlightens us on the history of Augustinian theology and its influence on western sacramentology and ecclesiology and how this blossomed in full by the time of Vatican II.  Consequently, Vatican II utilized the new theology of liberal theologians like Yves Congar (and even John Calvin) and others to extend the doctrine of the Church into relativized non-existence through “minimalism,” exemplified in the absurdities and contradictions of the manifold ecumenical manifestations, most notably the coming “Pan-Orthodox Synod” and the review of the ecumenical documents to be discussed.   The fist half of this interview is free, while the full interview can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis.com at the PayPal link for 4.95 a month.

Purchase Fr Peter Heers’ book here.
Academic works here.
Pravoslavie Review of the book here.
Introductory treatment on the history of East Vs West in terms of theological and political tensions.

Part 1 of our interview is here:

Stream or download the free half here.

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