Rise of the Demotic Freak Cult

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Published On June 2, 2015 » 3177 Views» By admin » Comedy, Culture, Philosophy, Science

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By: Jay Dyer

Amongst the British elite, the notion of creating a sluggish, cave-dwelling troll class of Morlocks that parasitically feed on the beautiful, surface-dwelling Eloi that appeared in Wells’ fiction classic, Time Machine, is now becoming realityFrom transgender Bruce Jenner to CIS-gender “social justice warriors” to female “bishops” declaring God a “woman,” our senses are daily assaulted with everything disgusting, inverted and degenerate.  The shape-shifting, race and gender-free entity of the coming age is now the very icon of “freedom,” with the penis-free “equality” propaganda exploding in the last few years.

Purchasing a new gender is precisely the end result of a consumerist, nihilist social order, since the commodification of all reality is a reflection of the transaction and exchange of pure, simple monadic molecules in chaotic chemical reactions.   The logical result of the last several hundred years of western thought climaxes in the nexus of grossly obese “supermodels,” zombie millennials, and assorted other useless freaks who have been deified to the status of an inverted iconography of the profane.  Celebrated for nothing other than being bizarre, mentally ill and parasitical, the Morlock freak class is being purposefully exalted to “normalcy” under the banner of “freedom” and “equality.”  Like zombies, the Morlock freak cult grows daily by converting the young with all the backing of the billionaire class needed to shove their hideous visages in our faces and attempting to control all language.

Freedom and equality, however, are words that do not carry any inherent, clear meaning, as if these concepts somehow exist outside some linguistic context.  As even Plato knew, “democracy” is not actually equality, nor is it inherently free, it is in fact the favored tactic of rule by oligarchy – the convincing of the populace that they are free and equal, when in fact they are complete slaves.  In our day, this slavery is even more pronounced due to the sophistication of the methods of scientific social management.  Bernays himself even quipped that Democracy was a sham puppeteered behind the scenes by invisible oligarchs.  When one combines these methods of manipulation with chemical and technological black magick black ops, the trashification of the public becomes understandable, with both the oligarchs and the Morlock horde that serves them sharing blame.

Post-modernity and post-post-modernity (nihilism) are grounded in the presupposition that ultimate reality is chaotic flux.  Like Neo-Darwinian biology, perpetual evolution is the rehashing of the ancient doctrine of atomism.  Simultaneous with reductionist materialism is the theory that all actions are a machine-like chain of causality, and that “freedom” is an illusion of the “mind” (whatever that is).  Inasmuch as we are still under the rubrics of Newtonian atomism, where all actions are determined by this causal chain, the great illusion of the “self” and “freedom” begin to break down as manifestations of incoherent doublethink, the same powers that be promote total “freedom” and “liberation” that is entirely incompatible with reductionist determinism.  When utilized as a technique of social engineering, these contradictory foundational beliefs of our age, total freedom of will and evolutionary determinism, becoming a striking example of the double-mind.  What the masses think is “freedom” is their own scientifically-designed enslavement.

Both of these beliefs are mutually exclusive.  There cannot be strict, naturalistic determinism in which the mind itself is subject to the naturalistic fallacy, and the view that there is a metaphysical category of “person” or “self” as an ontological reality.  One cannot have “freedom” without some metaphysical conception of what a “person” is.  Persons are also the presupposition of the possession of a faculty of will, and that a specific center of identity (soul, self, mind, etc.) exists from which the energy of willing, thinking, and acting flows.  For the goblin orc freak cult, the assumption is “freedom” means complete absence of nature, laws, essence and limitation, when in actuality the opposite is the case: Freedom can only exist under the protection of law, order, nature and meaning, and the reintroduction of these categories means chaotic flux is not the ultimate, governing metaphysical principle for reality.  Language itself signifies a certain thing and imposes limitations, and this is good.

To propose that there is “freedom” for humans presupposes that there are “persons” which possess this freedom.  Yet the belief in particular, individual persons is no longer a viable philosophical concept as a result of the dominance of reductionism and empiricism.  To admit that there are persons is also to introduce into one’s worldview the belief in limitation, essence, and definition.  In other words, a kind of restrictive law returns – the law of identity, for example.

The ability to say “that thing is that thing, and not another thing,” is a fundamental axiom of human experience and necessary for survival, and demonstrates the connection between law, language and meaning.  What we are witnessing with the explosion of the freak cult is what we call in philosophy “epistemic self-consciousness.”  Though the average person is not cognizant of philosophical terminology and ideas, they will nevertheless live out in praxis the basic beliefs they have.  This is to say as follows: As the individual psyche comes to accept more and more self-deception and acceptance of lies, the more they will, over time, attempt to become more consistent with the lies they have preferred.

Neo-liberal political economy has always defined itself negatively, with no positive metaphysical foundation (because metaphysics was jettisoned in its “enlightenment).  With no positive conceptions for “liberty,” it is evident how the mythology of identity and tradition through negative liberty collapses into total negation and nihilism.  The negation of objective social orders and realities, the nominalism of British empirical tradition and its economic cousin, neo-liberal economics evolve into a completely materialistic and chaotic state of being for the masses, with the corporate state stepping into to impose the new order by sheer force of ad hoc, fiat declaration exemplified most clearly in the almost global fiat money scam.  Why would any “free, democratic modern” object to the fiat financial system when they believe in same presuppositions that lead to the fiat gender system?   Why object to anything at all, in the fiat reality system?  If Bruce Jenner is given the name Caitlyn and removes his thang, then that is not a “man.” We are all now Winston before the transgender Ms. Mr. O’Brien and big brothersister.

As the goblin cult ranks grow daily and as words themselves are banned and outlawed, we need a new approach to the language of patriarchal religion, best embodied in the market-style presentation of a religious purchase, that glorious evangelical creedal foundation of the “sinner’s prayer.”  Simply renaming a thing, in the cult mind, makes it so!  For those who are truly repentant of their privilege, I call on you, dear beings, to repent, and surrender your life with me through the Freak Cult’s “Stinker’s Prayer”:

“Dear Goddess, I confess my sins as a white male with a (quite sizeable – my personal version) reproductive organ, and ask that your only Son, the holy Martin Luther King Jr., come into my heart and erase all my patriarchal privilege that I might be a true, genderless, raceless being.”

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