Intro to Transcendental Arguments and Theology

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Published On August 23, 2014 » 3260 Views» By admin » Apologetics, Theology, Uncategorized


By: Jay
Can the transcendental argument prove God?
In response to several requests, I have provided the first of some coming discussions on transcendental arguments.  In this talk, I respond to the standard objections, misconceptions, what is claimed and what isn’t, and the status they have in logic.  This is an introductory to mid-level analysis, where I also look at how they are used in philosophical and theological claims.  The talk assumes some familiarity in the audience with philosophy, logic and the subject at hand.
Also referenced in the talk are the following papers and articles:
“Presuppositional Procedure” by: Dr. Greg Bahnsen
“Logic and the Absolute” by: Dr. Philip Sherrard
“Transcendental Arguments” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 
Writings of Dr. Philip Sherrard


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