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Published On September 27, 2013 » 1598 Views»
Apologetics, Audio/mp3, Bible, Books/Literature, Conspiracy, Culture, Documentary, Esoteric/Speculation, Espionage, History, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology/Sociology, Religion, The Jay Show, Theology, Uncategorized, Video
Author and historian James Kelley returns to JaysAnalysis to discuss his groundbreaking research on the history of the Frankish empire and its relationship to various developments in western theology and esotericism. James posits a specific, revolutionary theory about unique Latin developments as well as the famed “zombie mass” of the Middle Ages, leading up to the modern global “new world order” political alignments we see today. A fascinating, well-researched analysis you don’t want to miss!
James’ blog and articles on the Frankish Civilization and the Zombie Mass can be found here.
Download the mp3 here
James Kelley is the author of Anatomyzing Divinity and Doxaphysics.