Amusing Post Where I Play a Sufi Muslim

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Published On August 28, 2010 » 1765 Views» By jay008 » Comedy, Culture, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Theology

I was roped into doing this by a buddy of mine on a blog he writes for, and couldn’t resist. I play the Sufi mystic in the comments. Those familiar with comparative religion and perennial philosophy will get a kick out of this. -Jay

What Do Muslims Know About America Before They Move Here?


Welcome Party for New Mosque in Tennessee


This is not a rhetorical question, I’m looking for an answer: What do Muslims know about America before they move here? 

I think conditions in their home countries must be much worse than we can imagine. For an example, even if I found a killer job in the United Arab Emirates, (and killer jobs are available there,) I think I would first check to see where the country stood on Westerners. If they seemed pretty cool, then I might consider the move. I would not think, “aw, I’m a nice guy, once they get to know me everything’ll be just fine” -because who knows what could happen before they figure out how swell a fellow I am? 

NPR reports that Muslims have been having a hard time erecting mosques in America. Even in 1995, studies showed that over half of the Americans polled believed Islam was anti-American, anti-western, and pro-terrorism. After September 11th, these numbers have grown, obviously. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in support of Muslims being given a hard time… I just wonder, do they have any idea before they come over here that they aren’t going to be met with overwhelming support? I doubt they do because their countries hate America. Most Muslim countries polled distrust Americans more than Americans distrust Muslims. 

Some of things I find most baffling: 

1. They chose places like Tennessee. Did no one tell them that the Klan originated in Tennessee? Having spent a lot of my life there, I still don’t feel that I can travel through some areas of the state without feeling a little redneck pressure. What makes someone drive through Columbia, Tennessee and say, “looks like as good of a place for a mosque as any?” All of the complaints mentioned by the man on NPR are for places like Omaha, parts of Iowa, Oklahoma… places that any progressive American would want nothing to do with. 

2. Why come to America at all? Since whatever country they would be coming from likely doesn’t like us, why pick America of all places? I don’t know if their news covers it, but certain Americans are throwing quite a fit about a group of Christians immigrating and “taking their jobs” -and these people just happen to be a little darker and speak Spanish, not an entire cultural upheaval. 

3. The people who want to be kind and support them are usually not the kind of people a devout and faithful Muslim would like. They will be the abortion supporters, the homosexuals, and generally sinful. Just coming from my own perspective, if I did believe in their religion, I would want to stay as far away from America as possible. To disparage the President, people claim he is Muslim. Many Americans believe we are at war with Muslims. (Which there is an element of truth to, in the sense we never would have been so bold with a white Christian country.) 

In American, there is freedom of religion. There is a separation of church and state. However, I’m sure there aren’t many nations that stay occupied with it less. I have heard my entire life, mostly in the south, that we have lost are way and we need to get back to America’s original Christian values. Many Americans believe that the country was founded by Christians, rather than deist humanists. (Because our education system sucks, another nice thing about America.) 

For the record, if there are any Muslims that read this, I don’t want to deter you. All I am saying is you must realize that it is going to be hard to assimilate into the culture if you move into a place that is 98% Baptist, 75% white, and 56% of people suspect you of being a car-bomber in waiting. 

There are many places in America that would be a great place to live as a member of the Islamic faith, but you should think before you set up housekeeping and build a mosque. One should check out all the options before making a firm decision on where to spend the rest of their life. 

Columbia, Tennessee… Seriously? 

  1. Revertive says:

    And if we’re citizens who were born here (and our parents were born here, and our grandparents were born here)…. and all our families live in the South…. what do you expect us to do? 

    Should I leave the country I have spent my entire life in simply because I converted to a religion that isn’t Christianity? Should I forfeit my ribbons I earned in the military protecting my country? (Let me say that again — MY COUNTRY.) Do I not have the right to a place of worship, given that the local population has enough of my faith and we can raise enough money? 

    Finally, why are you assuming that all Muslims = Arabs? There are more Muslims in China than in Saudi Arabia! And I don’t think China hates the US. I don’t think India, Malaysia, and Singapore hate the US, either. 

  2. Drew says:

    Likely story!!! This revertive guy is part of a terror cell you can tell by how full of hate he is against America 

  3. Revertive says:

    It’s OK, Drew. You can bear false witness against me all you want. I’m not going to yell at you or condemn you. 

    May God guide you. 

  4. BENOCH says:

    “And if we’re citizens who were born here (and our parents were born here, and our grandparents were born here)…. and all our families live in the South…. what do you expect us to do?” 

    I expect you to do whatever you’d like to do. If you’ve grown up in the South, there is nothing I can tell you. If you were new to the country, I would suggest somewhere else. Like you, I’m southern only because I was born here. But, if I were deciding to immigrate, I would chose somewhere else. 

    “Should I leave the country I have spent my entire life in simply because I converted to a religion that isn’t Christianity? Should I forfeit my ribbons I earned in the military protecting my country? (Let me say that again — MY COUNTRY.) Do I not have the right to a place of worship, given that the local population has enough of my faith and we can raise enough money?” 

    I never meant to imply that you should leave. I’m speaking more for those wanting to immigrate, and as I’m sure you know and the news supports, people trying to build mosques in these rural places are facing hardships. Forgive me for generalizations. 

    “Finally, why are you assuming that all Muslims = Arabs? There are more Muslims in China than in Saudi Arabia! And I don’t think China hates the US. I don’t think India, Malaysia, and Singapore hate the US, either.” 

    Again, I generalized, but it is true that recent immigrant Muslims make up the majority of the total Muslim population. South Asian Muslims from India and Pakistan and Arabs make up the biggest group of Muslims in America. African-Americans make up a large percentage of Muslims in America, but I imagine that they also would be met with ill will in many rural areas of the U.S. -especially in the south- although I will also admit they would less likely be suspected of terrorism. 

    In case I wasn’t clear, I’m not against you or your presence in the United States. I just thought those moving here should consider people like Drew, above. 

  5. Revertive says:

    Well, as to the why the immigrants choose to come to the South, it’s usually because the Universities down here are begging for graduate students. We just don’t have anywhere near enough local yokels going through med school, law school, or getting a masters/PhD to fill all the vacancies here. Also, because the Uni’s down here are in an undesirable part of the country (as compared to New York or Seattle) they’re more likely to offer grants and scholarships. 

    Back on topic, I’ve dealt with Drew’s ilk all my life, unfortunately. If you’ll notice, he also assumed I was a man, probably because of my military service. 

    My mother has been wringing her hands ever since I converted, saying “I don’t want people to hurt you!” but really, I’m facing the exact same amount of opposition as I did before (probably because I intentionally unlearned my Southern accent years and years ago). Now most people assume I’m an Arab woman being forced by my cruel husband to wear hijab…. *sigh* 

  6. Drew says:

    Don’t it say to honor thy mother and father in the Muslim bible? You should listen to your mama and quit running around using my tax money to go to college for free 

    Fuck you too liberal fag you are just trying to kiss all these Muslims butts 

  7. BENOCH says:

    “Muslim Bible”? “liberal fag”? 

    You’re both a gentleman and a scholar, it seems. I’m sure that will help people to better understand your position, when you put it so eloquently. 

  8. Peace Be Upon! 

    As a new immigrant to this country, I decided to immigrant to this cuntry about 4-5 years ago. Since that time, it was difficult for wives to adjust. Of the four, one left and I considered move to Utah, Salt Lick City. 

    Reavers, it is clear what the Prophet say you must do in the Hadith. You must join me in the move to Utah Salt Lick City where you may find peace and tranquility amongst those who know at least the truth of man to have 4 wifes. 

    Fortunate for you, one of the 4 have left, and so now vacancy has arrived! In the inifinite wisdom of our nation, we here in the US must migrate further west, like that Donner Party, although if wives team up, I might be on caravan dinner table! ha! (if Donner Party). 

    This what you must do. 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  9. Peace Be Upon! 

    Want to make very clear – when say infinite wisdom of nation, I mean of course Nation of Islam, not nation of US, which have not much wisdom, and take away 1 wifes for to make feminis. 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  10. Drew says:

    ^^that is the bullshit I’m taking about. This dude doesn’t know English 

    It’s Salt Lake City dumbass!!!!! 

  11. Peace Be Upon! 

    Drew – to make clear, what is “bullshit”? Ask wives, and 2 of 3 respond and say same stuff come out of my mouth very often. Not understanding, I use google and it reply with images of filth. To make clear, what is the meaning? 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  12. Drew says:

    You are bullshit you terrorist bastard maybe u should let your wives take off those damn birkas once in awhile so the can smell the air and be free 

  13. Peace Be Upon! 

    Such a blog have not a place in Salt Lake City (correction!). University of Phoenix has helped much with grahamer bur still many miles to go! I feel much as if I am a traveller on a grahamer caravan, reaching the destination of one day perfect senences! 

    The language of the Holy Qur’an is much simpler and more direct to the point than in here. For instance, when I ask where to get additional wifes on, many forum moderator reply with suspension. Not understand why, I contact State Department and file complaint. Then find out two weeks later not allow you to “rack up” additional wifes, and not only this, but US nation as well. Then after Ramadan last year when I fast very often, I hear of glorious answer to prayer – Salt LAKE City, where beautiful infidels allow to have many wifes. 

    Leave off your filth language – not becoming. 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  14. Drew says:

    Now your just acting like a damn jackass to mess with me. I hope you take a good look in the mirror every morning and realise what a faggot you are 

  15. S. Abdul Wahid yahya says:

    I was only kidding because I am a terrorist and I am gay. Sorry I lied. It is the Muslim way. 

  16. Drew says:

    I knew it all along. 

  17. Peace be Upon! 

    It is very true that you possess skills of interweb. Beng new to this US nation, I have yet to master SQL, Windows or even minesweeper for example. But feel free for you to insert bomb joke in regard to minesweeper comment, since I knew that you will. Let me help you, in fact. I suspect your wisdom to produce of the following consistency: 

    “hey bullshitt face take minesweeper to your tent and bomb your own caravan.” 

    YOu see then that your wisdom tank is running on empty and the leaky BP cadre will not save you! Where do think you will get gas for your 4 – wheelers now, you unwise southren person? I hear in Salt LAKE city you soutern people must ride even 4-wheelers to funerals and weddings. This we do not do and is idolatry. Now your oil come from PLO. 

    Chew that, redman. 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  18. Drew says:

    You probably aren’t even in America just some guy in Iran who knows a little bit of English trying to mess with people. 

  19. Peace Be Upon! 

    Iran is Shia – I am a Sufi Militant. 

  20. Drew says:

    What the hell is the difference? You all want to infiltrate America and turn it into a Muslim country so you can cut peoples heads off in the streets 

  21. Peace Be Upon! 

    On the contrary, my friend, as my Imam always says, the “Shia wants you free-ah, the Sufi wants you goofy.” The meaning of this proverb is that the Shia wants you to experience the freedom and liberation of Islamic law. The Sufi wants you goofy in the sense of feeling dizzy as all get-out when you have finished whirling dervish. First time I came to US nation I see a tv program of cartoon image with small tazmanian rodent doing Sufi whirling dervish – you call him Tazmanian devil. This is why I am a religion of peace and a Sufi Extremist. 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  22. BENOCH says:

    This has gotten really off the wall. I’m not exactly sure who is joking or who is being serious. 

    For those, like me, who are a little confused by some (or all) of this thread here is a little more of a proper explanation 

    Shia Islam – 

    Sufi Islam – 

    Honestly, I’m really surprised that Mr. Yahya’s definition made a lot more sense than I thought. It seems that another name used for the Sufi seeker is Dervish. I initially though that was a joke of some kind. 

  23. Peace Be Upon! 

    Sufism is a religion of peace. Extremely so. Much in the way of enforcing it to be so. Mr Enoch, a descendent of the prophet Enoch, PBUH, probably! ha! I jest. There was no intention of causing harm, I am here as a seeker. THe whirling dervish is our dance wherein we acheive union and balance…except often we lose balance! ha! 

    Here see you one of 4 wifes in pink dress (yuck! – hate color and far too revealing of bodily lineaments and curvatures of sexiness and eros. 

  24. Drew says:

    The home page has got a bunch of muppets on it and this silly motherfucker is putting up youtubes of people spinning in circles! I think this looks like some bullshit 

  25. Peace Be Upon! 

    Drew – you have filthier mouth than Dr. Drew (maybe you him!), always talking of sexy body parts. Cover your head in shame and wrap yourself in loincloths is my sage wisdom. The truth is out there, as agint Molder says to Skully, but you are too wise in your own eyes to see it. I will over a few whirls for you, 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  26. Drew says:

    A real Muslim wouldn’t watch dr. Drew. Your a fraud 

  27. كيني روجرز says:

    توقف لفترة وجيزة في مدينة تكساس الصغيرة ، وهو سائق سيارة سباق المتجولين يرى أن سيارته للطبيعة ، على مقطورة وراء المحرك منزل له ، وقد تم للتو بسرعة وجرد بالخبرة. انه مطاردات باستمرار الاوغاد الذين تتحول إلى ستة أطفال الأيتام. ليس لديه اي اللجوء الى القانون ، لشريف المحلية الفاسدة يأخذ معظم عائدات السرقة في مقابل عدم وضعها في دار للأيتام. فهي ساحرة المحتالين الذين هم بدورهم مفتون به. الكره ترتيبها مع شريف ، فإنها تسافر بعيدا عنه ، ويجد نفسه أصبح زوج الأم مترددين. بفضل حماسهم والميكانيكية لا يصدق الدراية ، وقال انه يبدأ لجعل لنفسه اسما على حلبة السباق. لكن شريف لا يأخذ التكرم فقدان دخله اضافية 

  28. Drew says:

    What kind of damn haram curse are you putting on us? This place is crazy. I’m getting freaked out 

  29. Tyge says:

    You know, I remember when Saturn built their plant in Springfield, and all the rednecks bitched about the unemployed UAW workers coming down from Detroit to steal the jobs. I love Southern hospitality! 

  30. BENOCH says:

    Yeah, that was the point I was trying to make, Tyge. I wasn’t trying to start an anti-Muslim thread or anything. I was just saying the South is the last place I would want to be as a foreigner. 

  31. Drew says:

    Fuck you guys!!! Commie pricks 

  32. K>P> Ferris says:

    Drew……cool your jets. That moron is NOT an arab immigrant. He’s somebody’s moron college kid jerking your chain 

  33. Drew says:

    Screw you faggot look at the comments some guy done wrote a death threat in their secret evil language 

  34. Drew says:

    The capital of Pakistan is named Islamabad because Islam is bad Think about that abdul wassad yahya 

  35. “He’s somebody’s moron college kid jerking your chain” 

    Peace Not Be Upon! 

    What is US nation full of hate? University of Phoenix teach many people to many things. Not an insitution of tomfoolery and balderdash, but one of high akademia and sportsman like conduct (online, of course). I myself have joined the swim team. We meet online in second life at swimming pool. I, of course do not remove my dervish garments from online charakter to keep with modesty rules. In fact, I win University of Phoenix swim team championship three time. But, do not tell, ha! – I use game genie online and make character have godmode. He swim like magic whale! Imam say, though, not to use godmode on charkter because idolatry, 

    You with many bad tastes are of dark countenance and lack light of dervish. Spin a few minutes in long thought of actions and change. 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  36. Drew says:

    That don’t even make no damn sense. 

  37. Peace Be Sorta Upon! 

    Still of filthy countenance and speak I see. Mother should have “drew” out directions for use of clean talk and then use camel hair brush to clean mouth with communal caravan soap. Had you grow up in truth of Holy Qu’ran, no way for you to act with such ostentashun. I am practicing for vocabulary test at University of Phoenix as you can see. So this intense debate of unparalllelles akademia with you only serve to strengthen my verbal fourtay and wit. IQ levels rising as we speak! 

    For you, sadly, you drew yourself into a corner. 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  38. Tyge says:

    Abdul, being you’re still practicing English in Phoenix, you may not know what Drew actually meant when he said: 

    “That don’t even make no damn sense.” 

    You see, what Drew wrote is a double negative, meaning, “it DOES NOT make NO damn sense” which means he perfectly understands what you said, and it makes complete sense. 

    English is a very difficult language to learn. 

  39. Peace Be More or Less Upon! 

    Yes, English very difficult. Mother forced me as young man to write and re-write Holy Qu’ran as write off every time I fail to pick up clothes in my tent. I understand much same for children in US nation. In my tent I have posters of favorite camels, Peter O’Toole as Lawrence of Arabia, and my favorite Sufi dervish bands. Mother often take down posters when full of teen angst. But posters often fall not easily sticking to tent walls… 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  40. Drew says:

    Tyge are you telling me you know what this camel jockey is saying??? I don’t think he makes ANY damn sense and if anyone needs to learn how to speak English it’s him 

  41. Tyge says:

    عائدات السرقة في مقابل عدم وضعها في
    دار للأيتام. فهي ساحرة المحتالين الذين
    عنه ، ويجد نفسه أصبح زوج الأم متر 

  42. Peace Be Again Not Upon! 

    Jockey is touchy subject. One of 4 wifes who left me was very short. When covered in Burqa resembled miniature female Darth Vader. Make long story short, left your truly for jockey man at Kentucky Derby. I very tall and make for odd situations. Jockey was her size and they find true love in heart. Still bring tear to eye when think of my little Vader (as I call her) eloping with yard jockey as I call him. 

  43. Drew says:

    Tyge is a terrorist too writing in the language of Satan worshippers. Does no one love America anymore?? 

  44. Peace Be Upon! 

    Not a bad man. Very much a man of virtue and reality. In fact, would love to have drew dance dervish with me! very fun. first few years make one vomit profusely and daily, but once one get over that, it make for whirl! 


    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  45. Drew says:

    If you think I’m going to dance sone Muslim dance with you you are out of your damn mind 

  46. Please indicate where around the globe any form of Islamic governance has produced positive human rights outcomes.
    Please also indicate where Islamic laws or doctrine repudiate the countless calls to violence in the Koran.
    Please offer an explanation for the massive over-representation of Islamic immigrants in European jails.
    Please explain the massive over-involvement of Islamists in terrorist activities.
    Please explain how Islam can be reformed, in light of the comments of Muslim experts who hold little hope:
    Please advise how the problems of
    female genital mutilation,
    Islamic terrorism,
    honor killings,
    etc, etc, etc,
    will be ameliorated, and not exacerbated, by Islamic immigration.
    It’s all very well to imagine a Utopian outcome
    arising out of multicultural proselytizing,
    but this is the real world where the Koran, in fact,
    preaches Islamic supremacist and death to the infidels.
    It has done so for 1400 years.
    What is your plan for stopping this relentless process?
    To imagine it away?
    It wasn’t “fear which ate away the souls” of some
    250,000,000 historical victims of Islamic barbarism:
    More likely it was the head separating from the neck.
    Islam and its naive apologists are a greater danger to the future of America than any “redneck”.
    You totally ignore the grim reality that, according to Islam,
    America is Dar al-Harb and it is the duty of every follower of
    Islam to work toward the day when the whole world becomes Dar al-Islam. 

  47. Drew says:

    That was what I was saying all along 

  48. Peace Be Very Slightly Upon! 

    In time I come back here and around. Like Cool J, LL say, ‘I need around the way girl!’ Sad from one of four wifes leaving and very tipsy tonight from many cups of coffee full of strong drink given secretly to yours truly. Not for drinking at all and may say thing unwarranted. US nation have many crazies like you, Dr. Drew. 

    …yuck…too much “buzzing” as you US Nations say to spin dervish. Every spin make throw up. 

    Peace of Stomach Be Upon Me! 

    S. Abdul Wahid Yahya 

  49. Drew says:

    If peace is only very slightly upon then war is very much upon because you people want to murder everyone that doesn’t become Sufi 

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