Robin Hoodwinked

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Published On June 30, 2010 » 1494 Views» By jay008 » Bible, Comedy, Conspiracy, Film Review/Analysis, Philosophy, Politics, Religion

By: Jay

The new Russell Crowe/Cate Blanchett Robin Hood is not very good. Usually, Ridley Scott is good, but not only is it an artistic failure, in my opinion, the film also has a Masonic theme. In the film, we find out that Robin Hood is the son of a “philosophical stonemason” who inspires his son with a hidden message stashed inside the local village obelisk. Robin Hood then becomes the inspiration for the Magna Carta. Yeah, right.

Oh, and all church folk are corrupt, as well as all kings.  Notice that World Net Daily tells you nothing about the clearly Freemasonic underpinnings. Perhaps the writer did not notice it. However, there is clear biblical basis for such notions of liberty and freedom under law, apart from tyrannical oppression – they aren’t the discoveries of speculative Freemasons, which didn’t even exist in the 12th century.

Oh, and then it ends with Cate Blanchett killing the bad guy, in total feminist glory, wearing male armour. Russell Crowe then kisses her, and it looks like he’s kissing a man, since she’s still fully iron-clad. One wonders what Robin’s soldiers would have thought had they happened a glance in that direction. Robin Hood Men in Tights indeed. And then it end ends with Crowe and Blanchett setting up an Ewok-type settlement in the woods, where what appears to be the Lost Boys from Peter Pan (who mysteriously appear throughout the film to no real purpose) join them in ruffian, Rousseau-ist/communist bliss.

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