Today we cover GEOPOLITICAL TOPICS – the INTEL Agencies and their relationship to the Churches and CULTS and religions in general! Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all...
Read MoreOpen forum debate for the topics listed, as well as as these: Calling all LIBERTARIANS, Feminists, Roman Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Muslims, Atheists, SNEAKO/TATE fans, Dispensationalists, Hebrew Roots, Gnostics, Mormons, Black...
Read MoreMy godfather Dean Arnold joins me today to cover his completion of a 4 year work transcribing and editing James Jordan’s thousands of pages of lectures on the Apocalypse into...
Read MoreToday we look into another angle on the elite power structure and the psychology of the left which we haven’t covered in a while: The Frankfurt School, which directly overlaps...
Read MoreThis obvious and overlooked dogmatic contradiction is, as far as I can tell, never addressed by Roman Catholic pop apologists today. We hear endless copes about how Vatican 2 can...
Read MoreTik Tok invasion time! ! The topics are literature, books, geopolitics, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all...
Read MoreANOTHER open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, geopolitics, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc....
Read MoreToday is YET ANOTHER open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots,...
Read MoreToday is ANOTHER open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs,...
Read MoreToday is open forum chill and chat, and if someone REALLY wants to debate, I will allow it. We ended up singing for 45 mins and taking calls on fallacies,...
Read MoreFresh and Fit hosts a 2 Vs 2 religion debate which has since potentially become the biggest debate of the year with a couple million views in a few days....
Read MoreToday we will discuss the history of western hermeticism, mysticism and esotericism from the recently published Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism & Esotericism. This is the first half of my...
Read MoreOpen call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Remember to...
Read More21 Wire host Patrick Henningsen invited me on to discuss the tragedy in Ukraine and the banning of Orthodoxy and the media blackout. Remember to boost that T naturally with...
Read MoreToday we analyze the new papal document that dropped. Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all products at using promo code ‘JAY44LIFE‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase...
Read MoreToday we return to the roots – Hebrew roots! But in the true sense, as we begin a new series covering the key doctrine of Orthodoxy that by extension will...
Read MoreOpen call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Remember to...
Read MoreAn impromptu debate forum opened up via a discussion on Sov Brah’s Twitter concerning EO and Roman Catholics. Roman Catholics are fuming in the chat – so let’s open it...
Read MoreJeem joins me to cover some of the basics in regard to different conceptions of “monotheism,” what the major problems with Islam and Judaism are from our view, his recent...
Read MoreGLITCH IN THE MATRIXXXXX???? Since the Icke call out got over a million views I thought it would be worth revisiting the issues relating to the basics problems in sim...
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