The entire series deserves its own analysis, but the last two installments included some heavy-hitting narratives that revolve around real-world conspiracies and espionage!...
Read MoreIn the first half of the show, Andy and I cover recent Marvel films Deadpool and Deadpool 2, and how the narrative includes the notion of a private super soldier...
Read More Epic night after a Warski Live Stream audience of 5 k – LIVE. With Boiler Room crew we discuss Trump, upcoming interviews and then I act dumb for 2...
Read MoreCall Me Al on invited me on the Chadcast to discuss occult Hollywood, film symbolism, esotericism in the arts, the CIA and Pentagon usage of movies for social engineering,...
Read MoreGround Zero with Clyde Lewis invited me on to discuss the real flub of the Oscars – awarding Al Qaeda an Oscar. I also do my Bill Paxton and John...
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