Tonight I give my reaction and review to the new Mad Max installment. As a huge Max Max fan, I had to tie these last two narratives together into their...
Read MoreAn impromptu debate forum opened up via a discussion on Sov Brah’s Twitter concerning EO and Roman Catholics. Roman Catholics are fuming in the chat – so let’s open it...
Read MoreToday we will return to practical streams geared towards helping in a more pragmatic sense – I made a few of these videos 2-3 years ago and aged well, so...
Read MoreToday we party 70k on twitter! We catch up on recent geopolitical news, including the odd timing of the recent Vatican apparitions / aliens document, more on the BTC information...
Read MoreLIVE at 2 PM EST – My old buds at PsyOP Cinema join me to discuss a bizarre theme in film: the Mutant experimental KID who undergoes trauma based mind...
Read MoreToday we discuss the economy, it’s coming collapse (eventually) and the possibilities of the future. We need not be overly conspiratorial, in fact, it is necessary to figure out how...
Read MoreToday we will return to our classic debate analysis installments where we review a couple new debates which garnered a lot of attention: Pearl Vs Trent and the roundtable discussion...
Read MoreJeem joins me to cover some of the basics in regard to different conceptions of “monotheism,” what the major problems with Islam and Judaism are from our view, his recent...
Read MoreThis is a partial free talk. The full talk will be available for paid subs to my site. Tonight we return to the dark side of geopolitics and espionage history...
Read MoreTimcast invited me back to discuss the recent news! Tim is here: Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all products at using promo code ‘JAY44LIFE‘ Subscribe...
Read MoreTonight for our party stream I will be decoding a few classics of the occult music video genre and some honorable mentions in honor of the first video to break...
Read MoreOne of the 3: legendary comedy triad member Charls Carrol joins me for a longtime coming discussion of the inner workings of Charls’ mind: his origin story, his pathway to...
Read MoreGLITCH IN THE MATRIXXXXX???? Since the Icke call out got over a million views I thought it would be worth revisiting the issues relating to the basics problems in sim...
Read MoreJay and DPH discuss the esoteric history of transhumanism and its origins in the ancient world. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo...
Read MoreThis video is an introductory discussion of the biblical types and parallels between OT figures and miraculous births and the Theotokos, St. Mary. I also discuss how this relates to...
Read MoreToday we return to the epic topic of BIZNASS CHURCH. The circus world of churchianity and its spectacle of oblivion has been the focus of the internet’s gossip since OF...
Read Morex FDA joins me to cover his new paper on TAG and what it means to make meta-level arguments and how TAG is not another rationalist argument relying on absolute...
Read MoreThe Amazing Occult And Predictive Programming Elements In Dune -Jay Dyer hosts the Alex Jones Show Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo...
Read MoreThis evening we will cover the sequel to Lewis Carrol’s famous Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass. This deep dive will look at the esoteric and occult elements, the...
Read MoreI offer a critique of evangelical end times speculations, premillennialism, dispensationalism and other such nonsense. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code...
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