Browsing the "movies" Tag

November 12, 2019 - 0 Comments

 Or dark thott. the new Durrminator was weak and lame. Actually it was so woke it was funny. In this analysis I decode the weak message and dissect the...

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November 9, 2019 - 1 Comments

By: Jay Dyer Before there was Back to the Future, there was the early phase of science fiction embodied in Fabian H.G. Wells’ 1895 novella, The Time Machine.  Wells’ work is both...

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October 28, 2019 - 1 Comments

A Brilliant Revelation of the Method By: Jay Dyer Wag the Dog(1997) is one of those 90s movies you somehow missed.  I don’t know how I did, but I recently  came...

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October 24, 2019 - 0 Comments

 Delayed due to tech issues in my area. Next we cover the Exorcist franchise and perhaps other exorcism films like Fallen and give them the proper JaysAnalysis treatment. We...

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October 1, 2019 - 0 Comments

Forbidden Knowledge News invited me back to cover Hollywood weridness, including the history of cartels and cinema, The Godfather, the odd aspects of science fiction that predict the future, how...

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September 28, 2019 - 0 Comments

 #THX1138 #demolitionman #movies In the next movie analysis stream we finally cover Long-requested analyses of THX 1138 and Demolition Man! The 70s meets 90s cheese in this dystopia fest...

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September 14, 2019 - 0 Comments

My talk from the 2015 Secret Space Program Conference. I cover the programming in Bond novels, the secret tech, the breakaway civilization, the esoteric side of films and the deeper...

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September 12, 2019 - 1 Comments

 The crew gathers to discuss the latest nonsense and news. Live at 8PM CST Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – Uninterruptible Talk Radio – Thursdays on ACR Tonight’s...

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August 25, 2019 - 2 Comments

 Ready or Not was a surprise, filmwise. I expected standard fare horror, but what I saw instead was another ritual admission of how the world works. The elite family...

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August 19, 2019 - 0 Comments

 Jay on Film. Welcome to the new show format. Now, we’re going to cover 3 films with similar themes a few times a week and hopefully a few days...

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August 16, 2019 - 2 Comments

 Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher, Spore, Aaron and Melissa Dykes (Truth Stream Media), Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis), Tristan Haggard (Primal Edge Health...

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August 12, 2019 - 0 Comments

By: Jay Dyer (from years ago) Cloud Atlas (2012) was an interesting film on several levels. Fans of both the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer will quickly recognize the fingerprints of all three, especially...

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August 9, 2019 - 0 Comments

Jay Dyer on Canary Cry Radio. THE SKRIPTURES SAY THERE IS A TIME TO WEEP, AND A TIME TO LAUGH! This is a highly accurate description of what it’s like...

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August 5, 2019 - 0 Comments

 The famous hit television show Ghost Hunters‘ Jason Hawes & JV Johnson talk to Maria Schmidt of National Ghost Hunting Day & then Jay Dyer about his book series...

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August 1, 2019 - 0 Comments

 The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and nonsense. LIVE at 7PM EST Music by Amid the Ruins 1453. Jeffery Epstein’s “clownification” as a story published by the...

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July 17, 2019 - 0 Comments

 Comedian and poet formerly of the popular sketch group  JoyCamp Benny Wills joins me to touch base on recent crazy news and nonsense, as well as to dig deeper into the...

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June 26, 2019 - 0 Comments

 We had the great opportunity to meet up with and interview Jay while he was here in Nashville. We got to speak to Jay a little bit about his...

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June 20, 2019 - 0 Comments

 The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and nonsense. This week the Alternate Current Radio Brain Trust takes to the Social Rejects Club round table for another romp...

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June 17, 2019 - 0 Comments

 A lesser known film based on Dennis Wheatley’s esoteric novels and in the vein of The Devil Rides Our, which I covered in my first book, Esoteric Hollywood. In...

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May 16, 2019 - 0 Comments

 JessumGuy invited me on to his new podcast to discuss my two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2. We cover the origins of the camera and propaganda, the origins...

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