Today we return to open debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs,...
Read MoreTonight Tristan and I cover an as yet untapped area of analysis: The recent history of documentary films, their rise concomitant with the rise of alternative media and the demise...
Read MoreToday I analyze the election news and madness as well as giving a deep dive into the psychology of leftism. Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all products...
Read MoreToday I will open it up to questions and debates – but more so Q n A today! The topics are listed but keep it TOS. Call in here chad...
Read MoreEveryone loves the classic debate reviews and analyses and Dr. Peterson has provided us with a new one! Finally – a full discussion between them and we are on the...
Read MoreToday I will open it up to questions and debates – but more so Q n A today! The topics are listed but keep it TOS. Remember to boost that...
Read MoreJay Dyer hosts the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nes Show. Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all products at using promo code ‘JAY44LIFE‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis...
Read MoreToday I will discuss the crazy patterns and prognostications I see: I will go full schiz0 for you and help you navigate the coming 3lect1on mayhem – which may be...
Read MoreTonight at 7 PM EST we move on to our next deep analysis with a look at the second spy novel in modern literature, the classic from Joseph Conrad, The...
Read MoreTik Tok invasion time! ! The topics are literature, books, geopolitics, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all...
Read MoreWe’re coming to Florida for 2 events! Comedy and Iconography! 1. Brohemian Grove October 25-26 – Sommerfield, Florida 2. Icon Mini Conference with 4 speakers in Florida Nov 8 –...
Read MoreThe music industry is fake and gray and has been for a long time. Many pop stars spoke out about this and those who hammered this home were called tinfoil...
Read MoreTonight we switch gears and return to some literature and compare it to the film version. Lord of the Flies by Golding is our headliner, while we follow with an...
Read MoreNick joins me on Alex Jones to discuss his journey into comedy & conspiracy, as well as his multiple podcasts and Dennis Rodman. See Nick live here! Remember to boost...
Read MoreCourtenay Turner joins me to cover the bizarre, shady history of the UN and its satellites. This is the first half of our full talk. Remember to boost that T...
Read MoreToday we analyze the symbolism of the recent occultic Olympics ceremony, the issues with Mr Beast Scandals & BTC conference. Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all products...
Read MoreToday we catch up on recent news, dialectical conflicts, wild events, weirdo cults being hyped up, and much more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all products at...
Read MoreI’ve yet to hear anyone discuss the fact that society has basically no discernment. Everyone is falling for the stupidest, most ridiculous scams and tricks and cons. This is because...
Read MoreWe will return to check in on our tik Tok friends in the world of atheism, starseeds, satanism, witchcraft, hood healers, cults, as well as an update on ghoulies and...
Read MoreTonight I give my reaction and review to the new Mad Max installment. As a huge Max Max fan, I had to tie these last two narratives together into their...
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