Today we cover GEOPOLITICAL TOPICS – the INTEL Agencies and their relationship to the Churches and CULTS and religions in general! Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all...
Read MoreOpen forum debate for the topics listed, as well as as these: Calling all LIBERTARIANS, Feminists, Roman Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Muslims, Atheists, SNEAKO/TATE fans, Dispensationalists, Hebrew Roots, Gnostics, Mormons, Black...
Read MoreMy godfather Dean Arnold joins me today to cover his completion of a 4 year work transcribing and editing James Jordan’s thousands of pages of lectures on the Apocalypse into...
Read MoreToday we look into another angle on the elite power structure and the psychology of the left which we haven’t covered in a while: The Frankfurt School, which directly overlaps...
Read MoreANOTHER open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, geopolitics, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc....
Read MoreToday we return to the roots – Hebrew roots! But in the true sense, as we begin a new series covering the key doctrine of Orthodoxy that by extension will...
Read MoreJeem joins me to cover some of the basics in regard to different conceptions of “monotheism,” what the major problems with Islam and Judaism are from our view, his recent...
Read MoreThis video is an introductory discussion of the biblical types and parallels between OT figures and miraculous births and the Theotokos, St. Mary. I also discuss how this relates to...
Read MoreTonight we catch up on our recent LA event and how it went: dinner with Jamie Kennedy, meeting Rob Schneider, Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (kinda), seeing Eddie Bravo play live...
Read MoreTonight we reply to Protestants Ruslan & Gavin Ortlund and common protestant / evangelical arguments on a variety of topics. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products...
Read MoreFull title of this debate: Christianity Vs Islam, Which Is the Religion of the Prophets? The debate from a few months ago was due a review but wasn’t possible due...
Read MoreOpen forum! Time to call in with your issues and questions regarding these hot topics: Logos/logoi, TAG and presupp, theological qualms and issues, metaphysics and epistemology, logic and universals, and...
Read MoreTonight ended up largely being various forms of gnostics and hermeticists who called in to offer various rebuttals and arguments against the Bible and the Notion the OT God is...
Read MoreEveryone is talking about it, but what is the bigger picture? First, we will establish that it is a change in doctrine and morals, then we will see that it...
Read MoreRecently, Jake the Muslim Metaphysician said on the PBD Podcast that the early church father prior to the Council of Nicaea did not teach the Trinity. Jay Dyer joins me...
Read MoreJay Dyer has recently been studying Islam more deeply and also had a very successful debate in which he demonstrated many of Islam’s mistakes. We will explore that more. Apostate...
Read MoreTim Gordon joins me to discuss 3 patterns: religious institutional subversion and capture wit secret societies & intel operatives, the rise of a new world religion and its connection to...
Read MoreBryson Gray, who had me on a few months back to discuss Orthodoxy, comes on for a debate on the subject he finds most compelling – the status of the...
Read MoreOn this episode of Faith Unaltered we are diving deeper into the #Orthodox perspective on the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura with our Special Guests, Orthodox Apologists Jay Dyer and...
Read MoreToday’s Book in 10 Minutes covers the most important text of all time, the Bible. The biblical texts are a coherent narrative structured around a series of covenants made with...
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