Jay Dyer guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the soy meta Funko-pocalypse of America with guest Tristan Haggard of https://primaledgehealth.com. Remember to boost that T naturally with...
Read MoreThe great @Jay Dyer joins us to talk about Christian Orthodoxy, The WEF and some of his favorite films while also doing an incredible Nic Cage impression. Mike’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikealexlern...
Read MoreJay Dyer hosts to cover the long history of the intimate relationship between Hollywood and the CIA and secret societies in their dark attempt to manipulate and engineer culture. Jay...
Read MoreJamie joins me to cover 4 B, or almost B, movies that we recently struggled with. Three of the four were actually enjoyable (from my perspective), and one was unbearable...
Read MoreJay Dyer of http://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the globalist Illuminati Bilderberg plan for The Great Reset. Topics include the historical origins of the EU, the ideological...
Read MoreJay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the buildup to World War 3 and how the war in Ukraine will lead into the Globalists’ Great Reset...
Read MoreThis evening we will cover the historical geopolitical setting for the present conflicts and crises and how they may prepare us for further implementation of the Gre@t Reset. In order...
Read MoreJay Dyer and Maria Zeee discuss the global elite and their writings, the plans for a one world technocratic government, the rise of Skynet and more! “He joined us to...
Read MoreMany have requested an analysis of this debate, so I am finally down to do it. Today we will review this debate and give commentary as we look for the...
Read MoreBeautiful TrXtXnA joins me tonight for a long anticipated reunion stream. After several months it was time our fellow E celeb diva joined us for another commentary riff session covering...
Read MoreSeraphim Hamilton joins me to discuss monotheism, the history of the OT, the notion of the gods of the nations, devils and the ancient pagan rites, the logos spermatikos, the...
Read MoreJamie and I continue the Dystopia Now series with a new pack of chronological dystopian films analyzing them based on when the stories take place. AI kicks off the year...
Read MoreToday we will have open forum discussion and debate from Twitter spaces. Topics will cover atheism, materialism, the laws of logic and justification, Quine’s Two Dogmas, more on my last...
Read MoreTonight we cover a genre we have yet to touch: DISASTER movies! We will hit a few of this big ones like The Day After, 2012, and the recent Moonfall...
Read MoreEspionage and secret societies collide in this early 2000s series from JJ Abrams. I watched this series back in 2009 and noticed a few interesting elements that led to a...
Read MoreToday we will have open forum via twitter spaces. Preference will be given to super chats via Streamlabs but those who want to “call in” and ask questions or debate...
Read More In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to discuss the problem of circularity as it relates to foundationalism, worldviews, and why it is so important concerning Christian...
Read More Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A concerning philosophy and theology with a opening discussion on the Trinity and an overview of James White’s significant...
Read More Sam Shamoun asked me on to discuss Calvinist philosophical assumptions. In this first talk, I cover the errors of Calvinism relating to TULIP, and my own previous belief in...
Read MoreThe Psalms are one of the greatest works of prophecy in Scripture. Written as the liturgical worship of Israel, the texts are, as the New Testament notes, the Spirit of...
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