By: Jay Dyer (2010) (c) copyright, all rights reserved. A.J. Ayer and other logical positivists have contended that the problem of perception is a central issue in modern epistemology and...
Read MoreUsually I end up disagreeing with a lot of ‘conspiracy’ sites’ analyses of symbolism. One good example is the All-Seeing Eye and the pyramid. For example, Solomon says in Proverbs...
Read MoreLiberalism ends in anarchy, or to avoid anarchy, imposes its will on an unliberal world. But by imposing its will, it ceases to be liberal, and is become despotic. -Santayana (paraphrase)...
Read MoreBy: Jay Donnie Darko is, on its most basic level, a film that is homage to 80s culture. It’s a cult classic (like many 80s films!) that references other 80s films, uses popular 80s...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I hate to harp on the same old thing, but the same old thing always manifests in films, and deserves to be harped on. Often what...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Lemony Snicket’s: A Series of Unfortunate Events represents a deeper attempt at “hidden in plain view” revealing of occult secrets, than anything you might find in the more...
Read MoreLocal Novus Ordo Priest has Communist Prayers and Genderless Creed By: Jay It is a bad thing to be a red-blooded male and attend a Novus Ordo liturgy locally. Before...
Read MoreSome tongue-in-dentures fun. By: Peter Parker Okay I couldn’t resist, here’s Golden Girls as a metaphor for the alchemical magnum opus. A further sign I have way too much time...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer As with many 80s films I grew up with, they seemed quite innocuous on the surface level, but as you mature, you are able to reflect...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer For Husserl, the perception of objects is necessarily inadequate due to what he and Merleau-Ponty describe as the “horizon.” This refers to the hiddenness of any object...
Read MoreBy: Jay The first account Merleau-Ponty deals with in the selections from Phenomenology of Perception as found in Vision and Mind is the notion that sense-perception is identified with the...
Read MoreI was roped into doing this by a buddy of mine on a blog he writes for, and couldn’t resist. I play the Sufi mystic in the comments. Those familiar...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Inception is one of the best films Hollywood has put out in years, and stands out as a diamond in a large stack of garbage. If the liberals in...
Read MoreBy: Jay The girl at the “party” didn’t like that I responded to her question about whether I liked Zwingli. But with this silly hipsterish generation, you can never tell...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I propose a modified form of the transcendental argument for God’s existence. Not that it’s different, but it’s an aspect to the argument I’ve never seen previous...
Read MoreBy: Jay Ariadne constructs the labyrinth in the Greek myths. In Inception, she is the projection of Cobb’s pysche that grounds him – the anima of Jung. Some goofballs in a forum...
Read MoreBy: Jay The so-called argument from the one and the many is a hallmark aspect of classical Van Tillian apologetics. Having studied this school for the last ten years, I am...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I recently re-watched Aeon Flux (2005). In the film adaptation, which departs from its older MTV predecessor, we see a dystopian Brave New World-type scenario where the human...
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