In this video I introduce the audience to our upcoming novel analysis with Quite Frankly, much the way we broke down the Brave New World chapter by chapter. Frank and...
Read MoreToday I will discuss the religious background to Marxism and how it functions as a religious movement, with an actual esoteric background and presupposition – magical materialism and process philosophy....
Read MoreFirst half free is here. This open forum emerged when many mainline rightwing and leftwing began debating the 20th century wars while opposing the Quigley – Sutton thesis, which I...
Read MoreToday we pick back up with our deep geopolitical analysis of recent events with Yewkraine and Z., as well as 4 recent big zingers from Francis that signal big developments...
Read MoreThe Audio is here. Patrick Henningsen and Jay Dyer discuss the history of Paperclip and Gladio, cointel operations, FBI informants and cut out organizations that have been used as staging...
Read MoreSign up for Richard Grove’s newest course on becoming self sufficient as a sovereign entrepreneur here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo...
Read MoreJay Dyer of guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the top 40+ admitted false flags used to manipulate the population. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50%...
Read MoreThe news gets crazier and crazier every day and we are here to give the big meta picture analysis: it’s the big 9 event remembrance and we will look at...
Read MoreToday we catch up with our global elite friends at the WEF and other places to get an update on what Prince Chaz and Klaus and company, including cameos by...
Read MoreJay Dyer hosts Lord Voldemort and explains the classic text from Dr John Coleman on the Committee of 300 who the world’s real rulers are – and how their 21...
Read MoreJamie joins me for a total momcore / mombond analysis of the 90s Bond films – the Brosnan era! WE will cover all four and go deep into the esortica...
Read MoreFascinating discussion with Sammy the Bull on Jeffrey Epstein and the so called suic1de – and Sammy can speak to this because he was in the same facility! Full podcast...
Read MoreToday we will walk through one of the most important discoveries of the last several decades that helps understand the architecture of perception management: Operation Mockingbird. The C1A’s control of...
Read MoreJamie joins me to offer a deep dive into the 2 seemingly opposite films that actually share a lot in common, especially the gnostic and post-modern themes. We will go...
Read MoreThe Collins bros. join me to return to the predictions we made 2 and 10 years ago: the alien deception card is being played! This is the first 30 mins...
Read MoreSammy the Bull discusses the Ponzi scheme known as the US money system as well as media Psy0ps with the Bullpen cast: Michael, Jay & Anna. The full uncens0red interview...
Read MoreToday we will cover the profound elements of predictive programming in the recent Tom COOM smash hit, Mission Impossible 7. Dead Reckoning represents the reminiscent nostalgia we all have for...
Read MoreHad an amazing interview with Sammy the Bull concerning the real story from his perspective on the JFK event, the connections to Momo and the Chicago Outfit and the New...
Read MoreToday I want to prep for tonight’s discussion with JimBob by returning to some of our older critiques of classical liberalism and the enlightenment’s dialectics. In my redpill critique streams,...
Read MoreJust as important as Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope is his later follow up describing the actual structure of the power elite and how they infiltrated and took over the world...
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