Had an amazing interview with Sammy the Bull concerning the real story from his perspective on the JFK event, the connections to Momo and the Chicago Outfit and the New...
Read MoreJay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the demonic manifestations that will rise as society crumbles. I will be at the Live Panel Discussion on Culture...
Read MoreIndiana Jones and the Infinity Milker is the new film premiering this weekend and it includes a mystical device that allows the whole franchise to infinitely produce sequels that make...
Read MoreThe internet’s second hottest rapper, Tristan Haggard joins me in E Celebdom’s most hyped comeback of 2023! What a perfect return – to cover one of the wildest 90’s films...
Read MoreToday we begin our analysis of Dr Peterson’s system of thought as it pertains to the psychology of the human person. We will look at the pros and cons from...
Read MoreToday I want to prep for tonight’s discussion with JimBob by returning to some of our older critiques of classical liberalism and the enlightenment’s dialectics. In my redpill critique streams,...
Read MoreMadebyJimbob returns to catch up on our philosophical discourse of deconstructing the argumentation of today’s popular figures. Peterson, Tate and Dawkins are prime examples of modern icons of being “rebellious...
Read MoreJay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the top 10 films exposing the NWO. Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6...
Read MoreJohn Klyczek joins me to cover some of the change agents in the academic, cultural and religious sphere, such as Maslow, Leary, Hubbard, Harman, Deepak Chopra, the Huxleys, and many...
Read MoreToday I will begin to cover this recent frenzy of red pill / manosphere stuff as do this week’s stream with COTEL on the same topic. It looks as if...
Read MoreToday I will begin to cover this recent frenzy of red pill / manosphere stuff as we prep for this week’s stream with COTEL on the same topic. It looks...
Read MoreTom Coom is back with another podcast – 4 sci fi fantasy flicks from Tom that will cook your Goose. Last time we covered the entire Mission Impossible series, and...
Read MoreDorothy is a rockstar and joined me to discuss her wild journey and deliverance. Was a fun interview and covered a lot of theological territory, especially given the recent alien...
Read MoreJust as important as Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope is his later follow up describing the actual structure of the power elite and how they infiltrated and took over the world...
Read MoreIt’s back as we predicted – the pentagon is hyped up about aliens and UFOs and the recent claims of crashed craft, recycling the old Roswell myth. Area 51 and...
Read MoreToday’s key text in 10 minutes comes from Charles Galton Darwin, his important work promoting the Darwinian ethos as projected into the next million years – yes, million. This book...
Read MoreFr Vladimir Kaydanov gives his background in Florence and his connection to Italy and how Orthodox Italy is a real thing – in fact, we will be doing a pilgrimage...
Read MoreMany viewers have requested more short form videos they can share with friends and fam who don’t have time to read or do long form podcast, so here you have...
Read MoreJay Dyer hosts the 4th hour and discusses the strategies outlined in Huxley’s lesser known essays on control through pharmakeia. Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali...
Read MoreChrist is Risen! Dear brothers and sisters, We invite you to join a special Orthodox Pilgrimage to Italy. This spiritual journey is scheduled to take place from November 5th to...
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