While watching the 1998 film, “Enemy of the State,” I noticed a curious reference to 9/11. A few others online have noticed this as well. As we showed recently, pre-9/11 film...
Read MoreSometime contributor, Ross H., has made a stunning discovery – the 1994 Iron Man cartoon episode “The Grim Reaper Wears a Teflon Coat” shows the two towers being taken down by a rogue...
Read More“Your loyal fan” @ 6:15. lol. Wonder who that is? Yes, In Alex, I subsist and have my being....
Read MoreBy: Jay (c) copyright, all rights reserved. The significance of the mirror as an actual object and its usage a symbolic metaphor in literature is found in several English...
Read MoreRevised. 12/8/10 By: Jay Dyer (c) Copyrighted, all right reserved. Old Man is part of a Faulkner work titled The Wild Palms, a collection of two stories; Old Man and...
Read MorePolitical commentator and tough (‘Merkan) guy, Snake Plissken (aka ‘Rattler”) describes his experiences concerning breaking into the Nashville country scene. Well, we should say, his plans to break in. Eventually....
Read MoreUsually I end up disagreeing with a lot of ‘conspiracy’ sites’ analyses of symbolism. One good example is the All-Seeing Eye and the pyramid. For example, Solomon says in Proverbs...
Read MoreDavid Richards Infowars.com November 12, 2010 Britain is a surreal place to be living right now. The infamous Ministry of Defense trend report for 2007-35 projects the British middle classes...
Read MoreThis is a must-see documentary on the illusions and magical trickery of the mass media. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc5NTU4MDY4.html...
Read MoreLiberalism ends in anarchy, or to avoid anarchy, imposes its will on an unliberal world. But by imposing its will, it ceases to be liberal, and is become despotic. -Santayana (paraphrase)...
Read MoreBy: Jay Donnie Darko is, on its most basic level, a film that is homage to 80s culture. It’s a cult classic (like many 80s films!) that references other 80s films, uses popular 80s...
Read MoreBy: Jay Rand Paul, as many are aware, has become somewhat of a media star of late, with the majority of the mainstream attention focused on anything but the issues....
Read MoreBy: Peter Parker So, I got dragged by a friend to go and see the film Paranormal Activity 2, despite the fact that I never saw the first Paranormal Activity....
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Copyrighted. All rights reserved. Next to William Shakespeare, John Donne (1572-1631) and Ben Johnson (1572-1637) represent the English Renaissance’s top literary luminaries. While notable for its broad...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer I hate to harp on the same old thing, but the same old thing always manifests in films, and deserves to be harped on. Often what...
Read MoreBy: Jay Dyer Lemony Snicket’s: A Series of Unfortunate Events represents a deeper attempt at “hidden in plain view” revealing of occult secrets, than anything you might find in the more...
Read MoreLocal Novus Ordo Priest has Communist Prayers and Genderless Creed By: Jay It is a bad thing to be a red-blooded male and attend a Novus Ordo liturgy locally. Before...
Read MoreSome tongue-in-dentures fun. By: Peter Parker Okay I couldn’t resist, here’s Golden Girls as a metaphor for the alchemical magnum opus. A further sign I have way too much time...
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