Tonight for our party stream I will be decoding a few classics of the occult music video genre and some honorable mentions in honor of the first video to break...
Read MoreFind out more about Luke Here – have a new fundraiser for the new studio under – http://saveirishman.comYOU CAN NOW CALL IN and send us videos to react to by signing...
Read MoreOne of the 3: legendary comedy triad member Charls Carrol joins me for a longtime coming discussion of the inner workings of Charls’ mind: his origin story, his pathway to...
Read MoreTonight we delve into the mysterious world of Mossad espionage films, with the best of these being the LeCarre Little Drummer Girl series. We will also look at well known...
Read MoreThis is a partial clip. The full clip is available at my site or R0kfin for paid subs. Lisa Logan joins me to breakdown Tavistock and DEI / SDG scams...
Read MoreThis evening we will cover the sequel to Lewis Carrol’s famous Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass. This deep dive will look at the esoteric and occult elements, the...
Read MoreThis is the free half of a full interview which is available for subs to my site or to my R0kfin. Matthew and I cover the history of espionage and...
Read MoreTonight we catch up on our recent LA event and how it went: dinner with Jamie Kennedy, meeting Rob Schneider, Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (kinda), seeing Eddie Bravo play live...
Read MoreIn this talk I review more of the Graziano book on the history of OSS and C1A use of religion: in particular, a staged second coming, ecumenist operations, penetrations of...
Read MoreTonight we return to geopolitics by covering a book many receommended I read from Michael Graziano: Errand Into the Wilderness: Religion & the History of the CIA. This book blends...
Read MoreToday we discuss new pushes in the w0ke sphere to ban books like LOTR, CS Lewis, Huxley and more, as well as how this plan to ban was laid out...
Read MoreToday we will have open debate! Topics include the existence of God, Trinity, theology in general, philosophy, logos, logoi, TAG and presuppositionalism, atheism, materialism, esoteric issues and questions, natural theology,...
Read MoreTonight we catch up with meta-politics as we review the recent Tucker / VP talk, the official “warnings” of the intel establishment, the recent economic chaos, the rise of BTC,...
Read MoreWe’re coming back to LA / Hollywood area for weekend event of deep geopolitics, conspiracy, Hollywood occultism & COMEDY! NEW EVENT & NEW TALKS! The last LA event was a...
Read MoreWe’ve been covering the history of entertainment lately and the overlap with intelligence operations, but we haven’t gone deep into the world of rap. We will discuss recent revelations about...
Read MoreToday’s topic relates to the long history of culture creation – a favorite topic at JaysAnalysis – and how the entertainment industry is not only corrupt, but part of a...
Read MorePeople are oblivious – and it’s frustrating because many of my warnings and predictions are coming true. There is a world people think is the case, and another world where...
Read MoreCOTEL joins me to cover the tie ins between the deep government establishment and everything from UFOs to the occult: SRI, ,CIA, Remote Viewing, Stargate and much more! Remember to...
Read MoreJay Dyer joins us to talk about predictive programming and what a civil war in America might look like. Venture into the realm of speculative fiction and reality as we...
Read MoreEveryone is talking about it, but what is the bigger picture? First, we will establish that it is a change in doctrine and morals, then we will see that it...
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