x FDA joins me to cover his new paper on TAG and what it means to make meta-level arguments and how TAG is not another rationalist argument relying on absolute...
Read MoreToday we analyze a recent clip where Sneako didn’t fare too well debating an Orthodox lad, we take a step into analyzing BHI theology and their claims, as well as...
Read MoreI offer a critique of evangelical end times speculations, premillennialism, dispensationalism and other such nonsense. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code...
Read MoreTonight I will opine on the recent fracas relating to the question of Christ is King, and whether this is an appropriate teaching, or something novel, bizarre and co-opted. Remember...
Read MoreToday provided its own content and material as Trent Horn released a series of comments on Twitter that were embarrassing to say the least, given they demonstrate not only Trent’s...
Read MoreTonight Ben/Luigi joins me to review his debate with Voice of Reason on whether the papacy of the First Millennium fits the Vatican 1 autocrat model or the Orthodox synodal...
Read MoreTonight we catch up with Rogan and Katt Williams, the recent Al3x and Tucker discussion, the Bobo SOTU and response from Col Douglas MacGregor, recent information I’ve read on CIA...
Read MoreTonight is another open forum late debate as we look at the dreaded TikTok for challenges to our position and offer a forum for anyone to offer a challenge to...
Read MoreToday we will have open debate! Topics include the existence of God, Trinity, theology in general, philosophy, logos, logoi, TAG and presuppositionalism, atheism, materialism, esoteric issues and questions, natural theology,...
Read MoreFind us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live. Jay Dyer versus Jake The Muslim Metaphysician...
Read MoreOpen forum! Time to call in with your issues and questions regarding these hot topics: Logos/logoi, TAG and presupp, theological qualms and issues, metaphysics and epistemology, logic and universals, and...
Read MorePeople are oblivious – and it’s frustrating because many of my warnings and predictions are coming true. There is a world people think is the case, and another world where...
Read MoreToday is another open forum! It’s time for atheists, Roman Catholics, Protestants – Lutherans, calvinists, evangelicals, etc., Muslims, pagans and more, to call in and offer their best replies and...
Read MoreThe Catholic Thomist who called in the other day, AJ Barker requested a new dialogue on the same topics from his studio. In this discussion we can hopefully come to...
Read MoreOpen forum for topics that includ: Triad, biblical theology, orthodoxy, papacy, schism, universals, TAG, apologetics, Logos / logoi, etc. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at...
Read MoreTime to check in on our favorite WEF elites and their cohorts to see what signals they’re sending and what their big plans might be for next year. We will...
Read MoreI couldn’t resist another livestream tonight, even with my Vaticoof illness of throat aids, to look at various ideas relating multiple changes in RC dogma. Beyond that, we want to...
Read MoreTonight ended up largely being various forms of gnostics and hermeticists who called in to offer various rebuttals and arguments against the Bible and the Notion the OT God is...
Read MoreWe return to HOT debate with a few gnostics, some protestants and some questions about is/ought and atheism’s value claims. WE got deep into comparative religion, the Trinity and the...
Read MoreTonight we return to F-U-N time! FUN means riffing and reacting to the top ghost, witch, cryptid, UFO, cult, started & atheist vids on Tik Tok, YouTube and more! Can...
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