Great Game Theory: A Numbers Station in Your Pocket

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Published On June 5, 2015 » 2512 Views» By admin » Espionage, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Psy Ops, Psychology/Sociology

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By: Jay Dyer

Continuing our analysis of advanced Psy Ops and information war, it is incumbent upon researchers to understand the Net itself as a product of the world of espionage and cryptology.  In a former piece I detailed the rise of the computer from the history of cryptography and wartime communication.  The need for secret means of conveying messages led to the development of mysterious “Numbers Stations,” and throughout the Cold War (and even today), Number Stations continue to operate as a means of relaying messages interlaced in with steady clips of nonsense.  These mysterious artifacts of the spy world have appeared in recent films such as John Cusack’s The Numbers Station, as well as the more conspiratorial examples of The Signal and Banshee Chapter, yet despite the exaggeration of these films, it is the world of SIGINT that gave rise to the Internet.

Arising from the decades-old Pentagon black projects known as ARPANET and DARPANET, the Internet as a public release was from less than benevolent motives on the part of the establishment.  While convenience and tech wizardy are certainly noble endeavors, it does not follow that artifacts of the spy world are expedient for mass populations.  Regardless, it is too late for all that now, as the surveillance net is cast across the globe.  In previous installments, we covered examples of Information Warfare in our day and their combinatory and exponential potency with strategies such as chemical, electromagnetic/frequency and DNA/RNA/biological forms of covert warfare.  Behind this attack pattern, we have posited an open plan of reengineering both the inner world of man’s psyche, as well as the exterior realm of the biosphere.

Hearkening back to 2003 (in the wake of 9/11 I presume), it was declassified that the Pentagon’s strategies of Psy Ops were transitioning to an “Infowar Oprations Roadmap” to “dominate” the electronic media spheres, and soon thereafter we learned the Bush Administration invested 1.6 billion into fake news and targeted psychological warfare broadcasts to synthesize Washington’s propaganda line for both domestic and foreign audiences.  Fast forward to 2010 where the doctrine is “clarified,” and then to 2013’s open dismissal of the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act, the establishment once again lifted its star-spangled middle finger towards its public, displaying what had long been the case – the public has always been the target of advanced psychological warfare and ridiculous, faux new.  For most of the “activist” and concerned, informed citizen niche this translated into a histrionic fury of bitching, yet as we have seen in this recent series on Psy Ops, the deeper objectives were totally missed.

In 2008, Global Research correctly drew attention to the real backdrop for these bizarre operations.  As alternative media has grown since 2008, the depth of the questioning involved on the part of researchers is unfortunately still too gradual.  My premise is this: The people who build things like the Internet and artificial intelligence software for predictive algorithmic tracking are well aware of psychological warfare and human social dynamics.  The alternative media is not something that arose as a surprise to the system, in fact, Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells even discussed the rise of the opposition a century ago.  That being said, the world of espionage and cryptology from which the Internet arose is the same “dark” world that scientifically plans such “leaks” and media theatrics like Assange and Snowden, to the detriment of any real whistleblowers, given little to no media attention.  (Note too, the document mentions on page 25 “AIDS awareness” and the so-called drug war as aspects of U.S. military Psy Ops, as I have claimed many times.)

As Global Research reported:

“U.S defense, intel and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world, on a computer, which the agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies.  Called the Sentient World Simulation, the program uses AI routines based upon the psychological theories of Marty Seligman, among others. (Seligman introduced the theory of “learned helplessness” in the 1960s, after shocking beagles until they cowered, urinating, on the bottom of their cages.)  Yank a country’s water supply. Stage a military coup. SWS will tell you what happens next.  The sim will feature an AR avatar for each person in the real world, based upon data collected about us from government records and the internet.” How useful do you think your new MySpace or Facebook account is in helping the Pentagon develop a detailed psychological profile of you? Do you think they would be shy in exploiting such a valuable source of personal data?”

My second thesis: What is leaked is generally leaked intentionally.  Detailed previously, we begin to see how the purposeful leaking of information has numerous purposes.  False leaks, like false defections, might be done to spark a revolution, out a undesirable, provide misdirection, etc., but in our era a meta-level version of the leak has come into play with supercomputers and advanced A.I. war-gaming.  Like the A.I. characters in your typical Xbox or PlayStation video game, the choices made by human actors in concert with artificial programs is very valuable data.  Valuable, not in the pseudo-market of “BigData,” but for future predictive war gaming.  Indeed, video games themselves were a product of this same Pentagon, game theory/war gaming complex.  And just as the Internet was developed for cryptology and then released on the public as a massive surveillance Psy Op, so was the video game developed for militaristic training and released to entrap youthful generations in the rising virtual gulag.

In World War II and during the Cold War, Numbers Stations broadcast secret information between spies and headquarters, as we said, yet now the playing field has changed.  Researchers still spend time trying to crack Numbers Stations SIGINT, yet there is a deeper message here – we are all carrying portable Numbers Stations in our pockets with our iPhones and Sony cellular devices.  As millennials drift away into virtual worlds of Candy Crush and online Xbox planes of the synthetic, the great game is become the great video game, where quantified numeric reductionism becomes the unreal real:

“Game theory is a metaphysical doctrine, i.e. its ambition is to encompass everything, both the nature of man and the nature of universe. And there is a one special rule to every game of metaphysics, namely this: when the abstract and esoteric professional language of science is put aside, the game is potentially understandable to all parties – both those who are playing and those who are being played. It is an unspoken rule, an ancient assumption of all world-view con-games: in order for half-truth to hold sway over everybody, it must be spoken in common language. So let us examine, aided by some elementary concepts, what game theory is exactly and what it means for someone who is not a player, only played.”

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