Inception, Labyrinth & Jungian Analysis

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Published On July 26, 2010 » 2536 Views» By jay008 » Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Film Review/Analysis, Philosophy

By: Jay

Ariadne constructs the labyrinth in the Greek myths. In Inception, she is the projection of Cobb’s pysche that grounds him – the anima of Jung. Some goofballs in a forum were laughing at my analysis of Labyrinth, but if you look at Inception, there are some very fascinating parallels between the two, inasmuch as we enter Sarah’s psyche just as we enter Cobb’s. Both are labyrinthine.

In “The Process of Individuation” by M.L. von Franz in Carl Jung’s Man and His Symbols, explains of the meaning of the labyrinth as subconscious:

“The maze of strange passages, chambers, and unlocked exits in the cellar recalls the old Egyptian representation of the underworld, which is a well-known symbol of the unconscious with its abilities. It also shows how one is “open” to other influences in one’s unconscious shadow side and how uncanny and alien elements can break in.” (pg. 176)

This dude nails it in terms of all of Inception being Cobb’s process of individuation. And never listen to anyone who uses anime characters as their avatar.

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